Community Partners & Agencies – Environmental Resource Links
Saanich Environmental Services works with many community partners and agencies to protect the natural environment.
- BC Hydro
- BC Ministry of Environment
- Bowker Creek Initiative
- City Green Solutions
- Coastal Invasive Species Committee
- Capital Regional District (CRD) Environmental Services (Alternatives to Pesticides Initiative)
- CRD Septic Savvy (How to care for your septic system)
- Capital Region Invasive Species Partnership (CRISP)
- Friends of Cedar Hill Park
- Friends of Tod Creek Watershed
- Garry Oak Ecosystems Recovery Team
- Gorge Waterway Initiative
- Gorge Waterway Action Society
- Habitat Acquisition Trust (HAT)
- Habitat Conservation Trust Foundation / Wild BC
- Haliburton Community Farm Biodiversity Project
- HAT Good Neighbours Program
- HAT Urban Forests Stewardship Initiative
- HAT Conservation Connection
- Invasive Species Council of BC
- Mount Douglas Park Society
- Native Plant Study Group
- Naturescape BC
- Prospect Lake District Community Association
- Rithet’s Bog Conservation Society
- Swan Lake Christmas Hill Nature Sanctuary
- University of Victoria Restoration of Natural Systems Program
- University of Victoria Sustainability Project
- Victoria Natural History Society