Next steps on the Draft Quadra McKenzie Plan (QMP)
At a Council Meeting on February 24, 2025, staff presented the Phase 3 Community and Stakeholder Engagement Summary for Council deliberation.
Following an overview of the key themes drawn from public feedback, Council has directed staff to:
- Revise the Draft Plan land use framework, with a focus on reducing density in the Quadra North area;
- Defer any modification of McKenzie Avenue vehicle lanes and specific transit priority measures to a future process in consultation with BC Transit; and
- Bring a revised Draft Plan to Council for another check-in, before launching another round of public engagement.
Based on Council direction, a revised Draft Quadra McKenzie Plan is expected to be presented to Council in late Spring and would be followed by public engagement sessions targeted for Summer/Fall 2025.
The Phase 3 Community and Stakeholder Engagement Summary can be found linked here:
NOTE: Please be advised that the in-depth analysis of individual comments received during the consultation process is still underway and under review. These comments have not yet been incorporated into the Draft Plan but will be taken into account in the upcoming revisions. |
The Draft Quadra McKenzie Plan is available for review. This Plan will guide change over the next 20 years. Key items include:
- Identifying the location of new housing options
- Designing corridors to support sustainable transportation
- Providing walkable access to community amenities and services
- Identifying how the redevelopment of major sites can contribute to the area
Please visit and follow the Quadra McKenzie Study project page to learn more.
The key objective of this phase is to obtain public feedback on the Draft Plan through a variety of community engagement events and a survey. The Council Report and attachments (including the Draft Plan) are available below.
- Report to Council [PDF - 6 MB]
- Draft Quadra McKenzie Plan [PDF - 18 MB]
- Phase 2 Public Engagement Summary [PDF - 7 MB]
- Draft Quadra McKenzie Density Framework [PDF - 4 MB]
- Frequently Asked Questions (October 2024) [PDF - 733 KB]
- QMP Open House Boards [PDF - 14 MB]
- QMP Webinar Presentation [PDF - 8 MB]
Public Engagement
Two online sessions, two community open houses, and opportunities for online input were offered.

Please follow on Hello Saanich to stay involved and receive additional updates about future engagement opportunities and project status.