PKOLS gate opens to motorized vehicles at 12 p.m. noon seven days a week, although it remains closed over holiday long weekends.
PKOLS (Mount Douglas Park) has something for everyone
With year-round activities and experiences, PKOLS provides inspiration and enjoyment to thousands of visitors each year.
At 1.88km2 (188 hectares), the park contains the largest urban forest on the Saanich Peninsula. You can explore this forest on more than 21 kms of trails.
- Park Updates
- Explore
- View
- Picnic
- Play
- Trails
- Churchill Drive to the top (remains locked over long weekends)
- Park/Trail Etiquette
- From Past to Present
- Park Charter
- Restoration and Volunteering
- Herons are Nesting - quiet zone
Park Updates
New boardwalk coming soon to section of Douglas Trail at PKOLS (Mount Douglas Park).
A new boardwalk will be installed along the Douglas Trail near the intersection of the Douglas Creek Bridge.
The new boardwalk will help address wet, muddy, and degrading trail conditions, as well as enhance year-round trail use by allowing water to move under the train and protect existing tree roots.
The section of the Douglas Trail will be closed during construction. Work is anticipated to begin in March and take approximately 1 month to complete.
The new boardwalk will match the existing boardwalks in the parks.
Please check back here for more updates.
Cordova Bay Road slope stability in PKOLS (Mount Douglas Park)
The Cordova Bay shoreline at Mt. Doug Park has been eroding for many years. The District Saanich has had a number of studies done and has completed a number of projects to stabilize it since the 1980’s. The remedial projects worked to some extent, but none were completely successful. The shoreline continues to erode, and the bank continues to slip.
Mount Douglas Park is one of the district’s signature parks and is a popular recreation destination and important ecological resource, In addition to addressing technical criteria, mitigation measures need to consider potential social, environmental, and economic impacts.
In 2023, a geotechnical investigation of the slope near the north boundary took place. Data was collected and used to develop a short-term remediation plan while a long-term solution is determined.
Based on the recent site observations, slope stability analysis, and LIDAR survey information, it was recommended that two areas be addressed with short term remediation of wattle fencing and installation of live local plants.
This bioremediation option provides immediate near-surface support due to the benching of the wattle fences and the shear resistance of their implanted stakes. The support provided by the vegetation will improve with time as the wattle fences continue to grow and as other species move to the area. Wattle fences improve the stability of the slope through erosion protection and water absorption and protect deeper soils from deterioration due to environmental factors.
Click here to read the short-term report findings.
Next steps
- Ongoing annual monitoring of the active bluffs
- The District is currently undertaking detailed design of the wattle fencing and will plan to construct during the Fall of 2025
- Long term remediation solutions are currently being reviewed
Take an easy stroll or make it a strenuous climb - there is much to see along the way. Look for:
- Marine life on the beach
- Wildflowers
- Birds and animals in the forest
- Fish in the creek
- Lizards and lichens among the rocks
Enjoy the serenity of the ocean from the summit or the beach with a view of Mount Baker. Watch for:
- Seals
- Orcas
- Waterfowl
- Search out familiar landmarks from the outstanding 360 degree panoramic view from the summit.
Book your family reunion or special group events. The park features a large picnic area complete with facilities including accessible washrooms and open field area with a backstop for activities.
Enjoy the beach, the playground or a group game in the open field near the beach parking lot. You will find a washroom building open dawn to dusk year-round here too!
Come to the park to enjoy the extensive trail system named after the early settlers and farms in the area – it’s likely they established some of them. Use the difficulty rating system to easily plan your hike:
- Green – Easy
- Blue – Moderate
- Black – Difficult
From one of the many parking areas, a variety of trails will lead you through the forest, around the base of the summit, up to the spectacular view at the mountain summit or down to the secluded, sandy beach.
We installed elevation and distance markers as part of the 20th Anniversary celebrations. Take the 1,500m hike from the Churchill parking lot gate 42m above sea level to the Summit parking lot 202m for a 160m change. If you go right to the Summit at the Geographic Marker, its 225m.
Try our GPS-enabled map! You can download a GPS-enabled map of the park to your smart phone.
A pdf overview map of the area is also available.
Churchill Drive to the top
We keep Churchill Drive, the paved road leading to the summit, closed to motorized vehicles (this includes motorcycles but excludes those using mobility devices - e.g., mobility scooters, wheelchairs) until 12 p.m. noon seven days a week to promote a more active, enjoyable leisure experience for pedestrians and cyclists. The gate will remain locked over holiday long weekends.
2025 Churchill Dr. scheduled closures
Observed Holiday | Holiday Date | Gate Closure |
New Year's Day | Wed, Jan 1 |
Wed, Jan 1 |
Family Day |
Mon, Feb 17 |
Sat, Feb 15 to Mon, Feb 17 |
Easter |
Fri, April 18; Mon, April 21 |
Fri, April 18 to Mon, April 21 |
Victoria Day | Mon, May 19 |
Sat, May 17 to Mon, May 19 |
Canada Day | Tues, July 1 |
Tues, July 1 |
B.C. Day | Mon, Aug 4 | Sat, Aug 2 to
Mon, Aug 4 |
Labour Day | Mon, Sept 1 |
Sat, Aug 30 to Mon, Sept 1 |
National Day for Truth and Reconciliation |
Tues, Sept 30 |
Tues, Sept 30 |
Thanksgiving Day | Mon, Oct 13 |
Sat, Oct 11 to Mon, Oct 13 |
Remembrance Day | Tues, Nov 11 |
Tues, Nov 11 |
Christmas Day | Thurs, Dec 25 | Thurs, Dec 25 |
Boxing Day | Fri, Dec 26 | Fri, Dec 26 |
New Year's Day | Thurs, Jan 1 | Thurs, Jan 1 |
No parking is allowed at any time along the side of Churchill Drive or in non parking zones marked by signs in any other park entrance area, such as along Glendenning (subject to fine). Only park in designated parking stalls in any portion of Mount Douglas Park. The beach lot has a lot of spots - we recommend this as the primary parking location if you must drive to the park. Illegally parked vehicles are subject to ticket or tow.
You can drive to the summit from noon most days until 10 p.m. (gate is locked at 11 p.m.) If snowy or icy, the road will remain closed to motorized vehicle traffic.
Please note: during gate closures maintenance crews and emergency service vehicles may still require access to the road and are permitted to do so.
Park/Trail Etiquette
- Respect plants, wildlife and private property.
- Keep our parks and trails clean – follow a pack it in, pack it out philosphy. Ideally all items taken to any park go back home with you. If needed, put litter in the waste containers. Do not dispose trash or throw animal waste bags to the side of the trails.
- Watch for and respect horseback riders as horses may easily startle.
- Keep dogs under control.
- Please pick up after your pet and deposit bags in waste containers.
- No dogs on the beach or around the playground and lower/beach parking area ("area bounded by Cordova Bay Road, Ash Road, Douglas Creek, the natural boundary of the ocean and the northwesterly boundary of the park, EXCEPT the asphalt road surface lying to the northwest of the picnic area between the two gates" - Animal Bylaw).
- Cycle only on paved roads, no cycling allowed on park gravel or bare earth trails.
- Many fragile ecosystems exist within the park – from the rock outcrops at the summit to down between the tide lines on the beach. Please treat PKOLS with respect and preserve these sensitive habitats.
Take nothing but photographs, leave nothing but footprints. Enjoy your visit to the park!
From Past to Present
Local First Nations have used the area in and around PKOLS for thousands of years.
The mountain was originally known as "Hill of Cedars". Fort Victoria, built in 1843, had its cedar pickets milled using wood from the park.
Governor James Douglas established this park in 1858 as a Government Reserve.
Government work projects initiated in the Depression years led to the construction of Churchill Road. It also had a teahouse, washroom and "crew huts".
The City of Victoria took over the land on September 30, 1889 from the Province it became Mount Douglas Park. In 1992, Saanich began looking after managing the park. On August 15, 2022, the park name was officially restored to PKOLS (Mount Douglas Park). PKOLS is the name of Mount Douglas in SENĆOŦEN and is an important place for the W̱SÁNEĆ people.
Over the years it has grown from 1.5 km2 (150 ha) to 1.83 km2 (183 ha) and the park will continue to be managed as a natural area.
Park Charter
The Park Charter, approved by Council in 1992, assists in guiding the management of the park:
“The lands known as Mount Douglas Park are hereby reserved in perpetuity for the protection and preservation of the natural environment for the inspiration, use and enjoyment of the public.
This land has been transferred by the Province of British Columbia to the Corporation of the District of Saanich on the condition that it be maintained and preserved as a public park.
With this charter, the spirit and intent of the original crown grant of 1889 is maintained while its scope is expanded to include within Mount Douglas Park all adjacent municipal parklands, present and future, so the whole will continue as a wilderness preserve for generations to come.
Proclaimed this 22nd day of November, 1992, by the Council of the Corporation of the District of Saanich on behalf of the citizens of Saanich.”
Restoration and Volunteering
Volunteers with the Saanich Pulling Together Volunteer Program and the Friends of Mount Douglas Park Society have been assisting with restoring the natural areas since 1991. This collaborative approach has removed .5 km2 (50 Hectares) of invasive species and planted thousands of native trees and shrubs.
Herons are Nesting - quiet zone
To provide a quiet zone for nesting herons, there are temporary trail closures in the lower beach area of PKOLS (Mount Douglas Park).
A 60m buffer zone has been put in place to minimize disturbance to their nesting habitat. Please keep dogs away from the nesting area and off the beach.