Lochside - Building Refit and Site Development

Competition Number: RFQ 24-120

Bid Title: Lochside - Building Refit and Site Development

Posted Date: July 11, 2024, 2:00pm

Closing Date: August 13, 2024, 3:00pm

Last Modified: August 23, 2024, 1:57pm

Status: Awarded

Awarded: Francl Architecture


This RFQ is issued to Suppliers on the Qualified Supplier Roster for Category #03 - Architectural established by Request for Supplier Qualifications RFSQ 02/21 for the purpose of conducting a second stage selection process pursuant to the Master Agreement.

Only Suppliers that were prequalified under RFSQ 02/21 are eligible to respond to this RFQ. Quotations submitted by any other respondents will not be considered.

The District is now open to new pre-qualification applications for the 2024 Intake. Please view the opportunity RFSQ 02/21 (202 Intake) on BC Bid at: 187296  Opportunities: BC Bid (gov.bc.ca) 

Contact Information:

Purchasing Services - purchase@saanich.ca 
