Reducing Single-Use Plastic Bags

It’s time to ditch single-use plastic bags in Saanich 

The District of Saanich is reminding the public and businesses that single-use plastic bags are now phased out as per the Checkout Bag Regulation Bylaw, which went into effect August 20, 2021.

The purpose of the bylaw is to regulate the use of single-use checkout bags by residents and businesses in an effort to reduce litter and waste in our community and our landfill.

Quick facts:

  • Saanich residents use approximately 200 single-use plastic bags each every year. Reducing waste can lead to lower District operating costs and increased service levels that enhance the quality of life and experience for all Saanich residents and visitors.
  • The Checkout Bag Regulation Bylaw regulates business practices and states that new single-use plastic bags can no longer be distributed to customers. Residents can continue to reuse their existing plastic bags.
  • Businesses will be still be permitted to provide paper bags at a charge of fifteen cents.

Printable resources

We have created some useful resources for businesses. These are available for download below.

If you would like to pick up a package of 5 till toppers, 5 posters and 100 handout cards you can find them at the reception desk at the Hall!


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