Yard and Garden Waste drop off hours of operation:
Current hours:
Monday, Tuesday, Friday & Saturday: 9am - 5pm
- Wednesday, Thursday, Sunday and Stat holidays: Closed
Upcoming Statutory Holiday Closure:
Family Day - Monday, February 17
We are now operating on reduced Fall Hours at the Yard & Garden Waste Drop-off; we implement this schedule from late-October to early-June each year.
Please note: Fridays and Saturdays are the busiest drop-off days, which sometimes results in longer line-ups at the Borden Street entrance. During these times, staff will direct traffic in a queuing route that may extend beyond what is shown on the Yard and Garden Waste Drop-Off and Webcam.
Please consider planning your drop-off during slower times such as late-morning and early-afternoon to avoid longer wait times.
The yard and garden waste drop-off is located at the Public Works Yard (1040 McKenzie Avenue) and operates year-round.
Please be mindful to not arrive prior to opening time, block intersections and congest corridors with your vehicle while waiting to access the drop-off. Similarly, please arrive a minimum of 15 minutes before the posted closing time so that you can fully unload your vehicle before the posted closing time.
- The Parks and Public Works Yard is open to the public, all visitors must check in with reception with the exception of those attending the yard and garden drop off.
- Wearing a mask is now a personal choice.
- We ask that those visiting the yard and garden waste drop-off remain in their vehicles until they unload.