Yard and Garden Waste Drop-Off & Webcam

Yard and Garden Waste drop off hours of operation:

Current hours:

  • Monday, Tuesday, Friday & Saturday: 9am - 5pm

  • Wednesday, Thursday, Sunday and Stat holidays: Closed

Upcoming Statutory Holiday Closure:

  • Family Day - Monday, February 17

We are now operating on reduced Fall Hours at the Yard & Garden Waste Drop-off; we implement this schedule from late-October to early-June each year.

Please note: Fridays and Saturdays are the busiest drop-off days, which sometimes results in longer line-ups at the Borden Street entrance. During these times, staff will direct traffic in a queuing route that may extend beyond what is shown on the Yard and Garden Waste Drop-Off and Webcam.

Please consider planning your drop-off during slower times such as late-morning and early-afternoon to avoid longer wait times.

The yard and garden waste drop-off is located at the Public Works Yard (1040 McKenzie Avenue) and operates year-round. 

Please be mindful to not arrive prior to opening time, block intersections and congest corridors with your vehicle while waiting to access the drop-off. Similarly, please arrive a minimum of 15 minutes before the posted closing time so that you can fully unload your vehicle before the posted closing time.

  • The Parks and Public Works Yard is open to the public, all visitors must check in with reception with the exception of those attending the yard and garden drop off.
  • Wearing a mask is now a personal choice.
  • We ask that those visiting the yard and garden waste drop-off remain in their vehicles until they unload.


updating webcam image of Garden Recycling parking lot

Webcam refreshes every 2 minutes

What you can and can't drop off

We accept:

  • leaves
  • tree needles/cones
  • grass clippings
  • plants
  • branches (no larger than 2m in length and 5cm in diameter)

We don't accept:

  • soil, sod, tree root balls
  • ashes, rock, demolition wood
  • animal waste

Invasive species

Learn which invasive species are accepted at our Garden Drop-off and about the safe handling and disposal of others.


  • Residential use only - Proof of residency may be requested
  • Maximum vehicle size is 3/4 ton
  • One load per day

How much yard and garden waste gets dropped off?

We're proud to say that our residents drop off about 8,000 tonnes of residential yard and garden waste each year.