Park Permit Application

Reserve space in one of our parks! Parks are open to the general public, but you can have priority use for picnic tables, fields, etc., with a permit. Please note, we require at least five (5) business days notice to reserve a park (longer for special events and sporting activities).

Use this same permit request form to access a park or trail for access to private property, public utility or other works. Require site access plan and valid insurance for such access.

This collection of personal information is authorized under the Local Government Act, Community Charter and Section 26(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. The information will be used for processing this application. Questions can be directed to the District’s Privacy Officer at: 770 Vernon Avenue, Victoria BC, V8X 2W7, t. 250‑475-1775, e.
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Is this event?
Tell us about your event - select all applicable
(Please complete the CAPTCHA in order to submit this form)

Any group reserving space in our parks with more than 100 participants, all commercial groups and organized sport groups require proof of general liability insurance with the Corporation of the District of Saanich added as an additional insured.  

Costs do apply to reserve space.  Check out our park rental fees.

Provide any additional information to us at Make sure we know which permit your information is related too!

If you submit a permit and your plans change, let us know as soon as able so that we can update our files.