Protecting Your Pet
Our pets are family members. Caring for them in an emergency will bring you comfort. Consider how you would care for your pet if you were to stay at home or if you had to evacuate.
When planning for your pet, develop a buddy system with neighbours, friends and relatives. That way someone can care for or evacuate your pets if you can’t.
- Create a list of pet friendly accommodations in your area.
- Arrange for a family member or friend to take your pet if you have to be evacuated from your home.
- If you have to evacuate, you should plan to take your pet with you.
- Have a kennel or crate for transportation.
Keep current photos of all your animals. Be sure you show any distinguishing marks. Show yourself holding your pet as this can help with reunification and prove ownership.
If your pet takes a prescribed medication, keep a two-week supply in your emergency kit, plus directions on how to administer it. Be sure the medication does not expire.
Vaccine Records
Keep a record of all your pet’s vaccinations in your emergency kit along with spay or neuter certification.
Collar and Tag
Keep a collar and tag in your emergency kit. Keep several spare blank tags in your emergency kit that you can personalize. If your pet has a micro chip or tattoo, record the registry number in your emergency kit.
Store the brand of food your pet is used to. If you use canned food, buy the smallest size can available as your pet’s appetite may decrease during a disaster and this may reduce waste. Include plastic lids, can opener, food and water dishes and store at least seven days of food.
Have enough to last at least one week. Include a non-spillable water dish, small container of bleach for purifying water and sealed plastic container for storing purified water.
Have at least a one-week supply of scoopable litter in your emergency kit. Store it in plastic jugs with a small plastic litter box and scoop. Include a supply of plastic bags to dispose of litter that you scoop.
Cleaning Supplies
You will need to clean crates and litter boxes. Have bleach, paper towels and supplies to clean food and water dishes.
Pack a toy for your pet to help comfort them. For extreme heat, the BC SPCA recommends pack a small battery-powered fan and a towel that can be soaked in water.