Carbon Calculator How-To


  1. How to find your BC Hydro Kilowatt hours consumed in a year

    If you don’t already have one, create a MyHydro account by visiting and clicking “sign up.” If you don't have access to your electricty bills (e.g. if you are a renter whose landlord pays the electricity bills), skip below for a reference table. 

    Follow the prompts.

    Log in to your MyHydro account.

    Click on “view detailed consumption.”

    Change the billing period to “custom”

    Select the last 12 months of billing history, then “yearly” then “apply.”

    Hover over each year to see the total kwh in each year. Add the results of each year to get the total for your last 12 months of consumption. 

    Enter that total into the Saanich Carbon Calculator. 

    I don’t have access to my BC Hydro bills – what should I enter?
    Estimate your consumption by choosing the best match for your household below from different sample home types.

    House Type Electric baseboards and electric water heating Electric heat pump for space heating, electric water heating Electricity only for lighting, appliances, etc. (e.g. gas or oil space and water heating)

    Older unupgraded single family home (poor insulation, inefficient windows, leaky)

    36,190 kwh/year  23,880 kwh/year 16,085 kwh/year
    Newer or upgraded single family home 21,240 kwh/year 17,997 kwh/year 15,790 kwh/year
    Apartment/Condo multi-unit building 12,865 kwh/year Data not available 6,304 kwh/year
  2. Am I purchasing Renewable Natural Gas?

    FortisBC customers can choose to sign up, at a premium cost, to support the development of natural gas derived from non-fossil fuel sources, such as landfill gas, manure, and anerobic compost processing. Customers can choose different percentages, or blends, of renewable natural gas.

    To sign up for renewable natural gas:

    1. Log in to your FortisBC account (

    2. In the account options section, select “renewable natural gas”

    3. Select the percentage of renewable natural gas you would like. To understand what impact that may have on your bill, contact FortisBC to inquire as to the cost of renewable natural gas at the time you register. You can change the percentage of RNG or cancel your RNG support through your online account.

  3. How to find your last 12 months of FortisBC natural gas consumption

    If you haven’t already, set up your online account by visiting and clicking on “account login.” If you don't have access to your natural gas bills (e.g. if you are a renter whose landlord pays the natural gas bills), skip below for a reference table. 

    Follow the prompts.

    Log in to your FortisBC online account.

    Click on “view consumption history.”

    Select “Last 12 months” and “Update Chart.

    Add up the total “Billed GJ” column.

    Add up the total “Billed GJ” column, and enter that total into the Calculator. 

    I don’t have access to my FortisBC bills – what should I enter?

    Estimate your consumption by choosing the best match for your household below from different sample home types.

    House Type Gas for space  and water heating No gas (electric, oil, propane heating) 
    Older unupgraded single family home (poor insulation, inefficient windows, leaky) 89 GJ/year 0 GJ/year
    Newer or upgraded single family home 24 GJ/year 0 GJ/year
    Apartment/Condo multi-unit building  22 GJ/year 0 GJ/year