Bylaw Services

What we do

Bylaw Services is responsible for the enforcement of the District of Saanich bylaws.

Bylaw Enforcement staff work collaboratively with all of the District of Saanich departments, various other government organizations, community groups and social agencies to ensure public safety, maintain community standards and preserve the quality of life in our community.

The primary goal of Bylaw Enforcement staff is to achieve voluntary compliance with the District of Saanich bylaws through education, information and non-penalty enforcement. In situations where voluntary compliance is not appropriate or is not achieved, Bylaw Enforcement staff may exercise enforcement options authorized by the Community Charter to gain compliance with the District of Saanich bylaws. View the Bylaw Enforcement Policy for full details.

In specific situations where there is no violation of a Municipal Bylaw and a dispute between neighbours is present, you may ask: can I settle my dispute through mediation?

Disputes between neighbours arise for many reasons and can become very emotional. In cases where neighbours need help resolving these disputes, mediation offers an opportunity for a collaborative solution which is often cheaper and more effective than the court process.

The mediator, an unbiased third party, will help neighbours resolve the immediate conflict and develop a framework for solving future conflicts. It is important to consider a mediator with specific experience in neighbour disputes when making your selection.

Qualified mediators can be found at: