Development Cost Charges

The District of Saanich amended its Development Cost Charges (DCC) Bylaw on April 29, 2024, with an inflationary increase. The latest rates can be found in the DCC Bylaw. Developments with a development permit or conditional approval prior to that date have until April 28, 2025 to obtain a building permit before the inflationary increase takes effect.

To learn more about Development Cost Charges including the what, why, who, and how much, open the DCC Web Brochure for a summary of the bylaw. Alternatively, the full DCC Bylaw can be found here: DEVELOPMENT COST CHARGES BYLAW, 2019

The new Small-Scale Multi-Unit Housing (SSMUH) legislation provides additional housing options for development. The DCC Interpretation Bulletin clarifies how projects will be charged in response to the new SSMUH legislation.

DCC Reduction Bylaw

If you are building not-for-profit or for-profit affordable rental housing, you may be eligible for a reduction in the Development Cost Charges. To learn more view the DCC Reduction Bylaw or discuss with Development Services staff to understand if your development is eligible for reduced fees.

The completed Development Cost Charges (DCC) Reduction Application accompanied with a copy of the enacted housing agreement must be submitted to Development Services before building permit issuance through email to Development Services or in person with full DCC payment at 3500 Blanshard Street. If approved, a refund for the reduction amount will be issued 30 days after the occupancy permit for the development is issued. For more information contact Development Services at (250) 475-5570.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are DCCs?

As Saanich grows, new infrastructure and parks are needed to support people and businesses moving into our neighbourhoods. Development cost charges (DCCs) are fees collected from land developers on a user pay basis to help fund the cost of growth-related infrastructure and parks. The rate charged reflects the impact growth has on infrastructure and parks; the greater the impact, the larger the charge. This helps ensure developers pay their fair share of the costs required to develop new infrastructure.

What do DCCs fund?

DCCs are used to pay for capital upgrades to sanitary, water, drainage, and transportation systems that are needed to support growth. They are also used to acquire and develop parkland.  

DCCs are regulated by the province and cannot be used to pay for operational costs, maintenance costs, infrastructure upgrades required to service the existing population and/or new facilities such as fire hall, libraries, etc.

How are DCCs calculated?

DCC rates are calculated by dividing the cost of growth-related infrastructure and parks by the amount of anticipated growth.

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