Saanich Council Adopts Shelbourne Valley Action Plan

May 2, 2017

Information Bulletin
For Immediate Release

Saanich, BC – On May 1, 2017, Saanich Council adopted the Shelbourne Valley Action Plan. 

The Plan will guide land use and transportation decisions over the next 30 years, and aims to transform the Shelbourne Valley into an even better place to live, work and play.

"The Shelbourne Valley Action Plan responds to community aspirations for this vibrant area of Saanich and provides a framework to create more inviting public spaces, encourage economic development and broaden the range of housing and mobility choices for all residents," said Judy Brownoff, Saanich Councillor and Chair of the Planning, Transportation and Economic Development Advisory Committee.

The Plan includes significant short-term pedestrian, transit and cycling improvements that aim to create a balanced mobility network for all users and to improve Shelbourne Street as a community space.  Implementation of these improvements will begin in 2018.


Plan Highlights:

  • Strengthening of centres and village as vibrant community hubs that provide a range of goods and services within walking distance of most households.
  • A new design for Shelbourne Street that includes separated cycling facilities, transit enhancements and a safe, more enjoyable pedestrian environment.
  • Short-term actions that will add a continuous bike facility on Shelbourne Street, upgrade 2.3 km of sidewalk and enhance pedestrian and transit conditions in centres.
  • More housing opportunities along Shelbourne Street to support transit, improve housing choice and enable improvements to the public realm.
  • A network of greenways and bikeways that provide improved walking and cycling opportunities for people of all ages and abilities.
  • A better-designed community that improves the relationship between buildings and pedestrian areas and highlights streets as a space for community enjoyment and activity.
  • A healthier environment through Bowker Creek restoration, environmentally significant areas protection and urban forest enhancement.


Learn More:

To view the plan visit:




Media Contact: 

Cam Scott
Planning Department
Phone: 250-475-7115