Anticipated lower water pressure and discolouration
March 22, 2018
Information bulletin
For immediate release
Saanich, BC – Beginning at 7 a.m. Friday March 23, 2018, the Capital Regional District Integrated Water Services will shut down a section of its No. 3 water transmission main for the McKenzie Interchange project construction. This is part of the ongoing site work to relocate this water main outside of the highway footprint.
Due to this shutdown, Saanich water service customers in the Gorge and Tillicum area will likely experience reduced water pressure and, potentially, changes to the colour of the water as the distribution system adjusts to the varying water supply conditions. Saanich Waterworks crews will be in the area March 23 flushing the water mains to remove any discolouration caused by the system disruption. Pressure reduction may continue for up to one week.
Saanich residents are encouraged to flush an outside tap for 15 minutes if they experience discoloured water. If the condition persists, please contact Saanich Waterworks at 250-475-5481.
For more information, please visit the McKenzie Interchange project website.