Cedar Hill X Road water main replacement

April 23, 2018

Information bulletin
For immediate release 


Saanich, BC – The District of Saanich will replace the water main on Cedar Hill X Road between Palo Alto Street and Gordon Head Road. Construction is anticipated to begin May 7, 2018 with completion in August 2018. 

The water main is due for replacement as part of Saanich’s annual upgrade/replacement program to improve fire flows in the area and minimize the potential for unplanned service outages.   

Construction impacts 

Residents can expect some traffic delays throughout the project. Portions of Cedar Hill X Road will be limited to single lane alternating traffic from 9 a.m. to 3:30 pm. Monday to Friday. Traffic control personnel will direct vehicles, cyclists and pedestrians safely through the work site. 

Some driveways will be inaccessible for short periods of time throughout the project. Saanich staff will notify residents in advance and will try to accommodate any access concerns. 

During construction, Saanich staff will provide updates to directly affected property owners for disruptions to water services. Residents will be notified a minimum of 24 hours prior to any planned water shut-offs. 

Garbage and recycling pick up services will be maintained throughout construction. 

Learn more 

Visit the Current Projects section on saanich.ca for more information and future project updates.  



Media contact

Harley Machielse
Director of Engineering, District of Saanich 
250-475-1775 ext. 5446