Last opportunity to provide input on Haro Woods Park plan

April 9, 2018

Information bulletin
For immediate release  


Saanich, BC – The District of Saanich is hosting the final open house April 17 to gather public input on the Haro Woods Park draft management plan. The management plan will contain a guiding vision for the park, supporting guidelines for its natural areas and recreational activities and more.  

The public is invited to attend the open house to review and comment on the latest developments in the draft plan, which has been revised most recently based on public feedback provided in fall 2017. 

Open house attendees will learn about the key issues, including off-trail biking, and will be asked for feedback on proposed management strategies. Saanich staff will provide information about next steps for the draft plan and offer a survey to attendees. For those unable to attend the open house, the open house materials and survey will be available at from April 18 to May 2, 2018. 

Saanich’s 5.6 hectare park sits in the Cadboro Bay neighbourhood and is popular with many types of users, from dog walkers to cyclists to runners. Public engagement events began in late 2016 and have helped drive the evolution of the draft plan. 

Open house 
  • Date: Tuesday, April 17
  • Time: 5:30 to 8 p.m.
  • Location: Goward House, 2495 Arbutus Road (lower hall) 

Parking is available at Goward House or on Haro Road. 

Learn more 

To view the draft plan visit or call 250-475-5522. 




Media contact

Gary Darrah, Manager Park Planning and Development
250-475-5474 ext. 5539