Saanich updates development cost charges bylaw
February 26, 2018
Information bulletin
For immediate release
Saanich, BC – The District of Saanich is updating its development cost charges (DCC) bylaw in 2018. DCCs are fees collected from land developers, on a user pay basis, to help fund the cost of the new infrastructure needed to service new development. DCCs ensure developers contribute fairly to the costs required to develop new underground and transportation infrastructure, parkland and park improvements.
The DCC bylaw update will assist with sustainable funding of infrastructure driven by new growth. The strengthened funding stream will reduce the burden on taxpayers to fund infrastructure required to support growth. New DCC rates will be determined by dividing the cost of growth-related projects by the amount of anticipated new residential, commercial, industrial and institutional growth in Saanich.
Saanich is in the early stages of the DCC bylaw update. Residents, business owners and other interested stakeholders have an opportunity to learn about the process on the Saanich website or in person by attending a public information session. At the session, an overview and explanation of DCCs and the next steps for updating the bylaw will be provided. New DCC rates will not be presented at this time. The DCC bylaw update is expected to be completed by the end of 2018, with draft rates available for public comment in late spring 2018.
Learn more
Saanich invites the public to learn more about the development cost charge bylaw update process through the upcoming public information session.
Location: Gordon Head Recreation Centre, multi-purpose room
4100 Lambrick Way, Victoria BC
Time: 4 to 7 p.m.
Date: Thursday, March 8, 2018
Visit the Saanich website for more information about the DCC bylaw update.
Media contact:
Engineering department