Shelbourne Street interpretive signs receive funding boost
September 17, 2018
Media release
For immediate release
Saanich, BC – The District of Saanich will receive $9,200 to support a portion of the costs for the design, production and installation of four interpretive signs for the Shelbourne Street of Unfinished Dreams Project. The funding is provided by the Heritage Legacy Fund, the only provincial grant program that supports heritage conservation, awareness, planning and Indigenous partnership projects.
The Shelbourne Street of Unfinished Dreams Project was initiated by a delegation of community members, the Memorial Avenue Committee, led by Ray Travers. The signs are just one of the actions approved by council to preserve, enhance, maintain and recognize the London Planetrees along Shelbourne Street which were planted as a memorial to those who sacrificed their lives during the First World War.
The total project costs are $18,500. The signs will be placed at Browning Park [PDF - 257 KB], Gore Peace Memorial Park [PDF - 172 KB] and at the corner of Shelbourne Street and San Juan Road in late September.
“The Heritage Legacy Fund Committee was impressed by the diversity of heritage project applications this year,” says Angie Bain, Heritage BC Director and Researcher with the Union of BC Indian Chiefs. “Successful applicants have demonstrated the significant, innovative and meaningful ways that local communities, repositories and organizations are embracing reconciliation and working to protect, promote, and celebrate heritage on behalf of all British Columbians.”
Since June 2005, the Heritage Legacy Fund has supported heritage conservation in British Columbia with $1.8 million of project funding. The funds are made possible through a $5 million endowment established in 2003 by the Province of British Columbia.
Heritage BC’s Vice-Chair Lynda Lafleur says: “Every year many community heritage projects are received for consideration under the Heritage Legacy Fund. This year was no exception with a wide variety of excellent submissions from various regions of B.C. We appreciate the efforts of individuals, heritage organizations and local governments who choose to spend their time raising funds to preserve an important aspect of their local history.”
The 2018 grants were overseen by a jury of four members and supported by Heritage BC staff.
About the Heritage Legacy Fund
Since June 2005, the Heritage Legacy Fund has supported heritage conservation in British Columbia with $1.8 million of project funding. The funds are made possible through a $5 million endowment established in 2003 by the Province of British Columbia.
Applications are received from non-profits, local governments and First Nations, seeking funding to support all kinds of heritage work from building maintenance to large scale conservation, from signage to exhibitions. Funding for heritage planning projects was added in 2017, and in 2018 a new funding stream was created to support partnership projects between heritage organizations and Indigenous peoples.
Of the over 125 grants provided to date, projects have included life safety upgrades to the Lim Sai Hor Kow Mock Benevolent Society building in Vancouver, the creation of a digital heritage trail on Bowen Island, the revitalization of the Miner’s Union Hall in Rossland and a BC Heritage Fairs online exhibit, to name a few.
About Heritage BC
Heritage BC is a charitable not-for-profit supporting heritage conservation across British Columbia through education, training and skills development, capacity building in heritage planning and funding through the Heritage Legacy Fund. We are passionate about building links between heritage conservation and tourism, economic and environmental sustainability, community pride and an appreciation of our common history.
For more information about Heritage BC and the Heritage Legacy Fund contact:
Laura Saretsky
Heritage BC Heritage Program Manager
1459 Barclay Street, Vancouver V6G 1J6
Media contact:
Eva Riccius
Senior Parks Manager