Media release
For immediate release
May 22, 2019
Saanich seeking public input to help shape climate plan
Saanich, BC – How should we respond locally to the challenges of climate change? The District of Saanich invites the public to attend free events to help shape the 100% Renewable and Resilient Saanich Climate Plan, and also learn more about what they can do in their own lives to respond to climate change.
“The signs are clear: early wildfires, flooding, and climate science reports about the consequences of continuing business as usual -- we know that it’s time to act. Saanich Council has committed to taking action to protect our community, and we’re encouraging feedback from the public to help shape our approach,” said Mayor Fred Haynes.
Open houses
The Saanich Climate Plan events will feature a drop-in open house and free 45-minute presentations about electric vehicles, climate-friendly home upgrades, and rebates available to help. Pre-registration is encouraged for the presentations. The open house will ask the public for feedback on draft climate actions.
The draft actions presented at the open house are focused on what the District can do to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from transportation, buildings, and consumption and waste, as well as what we need to do to protect local ecosystems and community well-being in the face of a changing climate.
Highlights include: expanding electric vehicle charging access, collaborating to expand transit service, phasing out oil heating and incentives for switching from fossil fuels to heat pumps.
Thursday, May 30 - 4 to 8 p.m. at Gateway Baptist Church, 898 Royal Oak Avenue
Presentations - multiple times available for electric vehicles and climate-friendly homes.
More info and registration:
Saturday, June 1 – 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Lutheran Church of the Cross, 3787 Cedar Hill Road
Presentations - multiple times available for electric vehicles and climate-friendly homes.
More info and registration:
Learn more
Saanich is leading by example by transitioning the municipal light-duty fleet to electric vehicles and moving to renewable energy at Saanich facilities, including efficient heat pumps, renewable natural gas, solar energy, and biomass.
By improving walking, cycling, and transit amenities; providing public electric vehicle charging stations; and offering incentives for the replacement of fossil-fuel based heating systems such as heating oil and natural gas with efficient, low-carbon heat pumps, Saanich is helping residents make climate-friendly choices at home and on the road.
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Media contact:
Ting Pan
Manager of Sustainability
250-475-5494 ext. 7118