Get Ready to Shake Out!

September 29, 2020

 News Release

For Immediate Release

Get Ready to Shake Out!

Saanich, BCThe Great British Columbia ShakeOut is two weeks away. As we lead up to this province-wide earthquake drill, Saanich is reminding residents to plan, prepare and participate.

As part of the ShakeOut drill on October 15, 2020, Saanich staff will practice ‘drop cover and hold on’ along with over 1 million other British Columbians at 10:15 a.m. Whether at home or at work – residents are encouraged to be prepared, have a plan and make a kit.

“ShakeOut provides a great opportunity for Saanich residents to practice taking protective measures in an earthquake as well as update their household emergency plan and kit,” said Frank Macdonald, Deputy Fire Chief. “What we have experienced with COVID-19 has highlighted the importance of being prepared now more than ever. The ShakeOut drill can be completed wherever you are on October 15 and is a great way to practise your preparedness while maintaining physical distancing.”

“Saanich’s website, along with social media, are key communication channels during emergency situations” said Macdonald. “We encourage residents to check out our emergency notification page demonstration on as part of ShakeOut on October 15.”

Quick Facts:

  • The District of Saanich showcases its emergency notification page on twice per year: on ShakeOut Day this year on October 15 and during Emergency Preparedness Week in May.
  • The Emergency Notification Banner was activated from March 24 to June 2 to provide residents with up to date information about COVID-19
  • The page is enabled in the event of an emergency and provides residents with important information when accessing any Saanich web page.
  • Check out our emergency notification page demonstration on as part of ShakeOut on October 15.

Learn More: 

  • For more information or to register for ShakeOut BC, please visit:  
  • To view the emergency notification page during ShakeOut BC, please visit:  
  • To learn more about emergency preparedness or volunteering with the Saanich Emergency Program, contact 250-475-7140.

Social Media Channels:  


Media Contact:

Frank Macdonald
Deputy Fire Chief, Saanich Fire Department