Saanich announces Housing Strategy Task Force members

September 16, 2020

Information bulletin

For immediate release

Saanich announces Housing Strategy Task Force members

Saanich, BC – The District of Saanich is pleased to announce the members of the Housing Strategy Task Force (HSTF). The diverse range of members will help to develop recommendations for priority housing actions as part of the Housing Strategy.

The main purpose of the Task Force is to provide Council with recommendations for action-oriented strategies designed to achieve greater housing supply, affordability and diversity, and accommodate a broad range of community housing needs, now and in the future. The group will help to develop a 10-year strategy that aims to improve housing outcomes and support residents of all ages, incomes, and abilities through housing actions.

Timeline and next steps

This summer, Saanich conducted focus groups, targeted interviews with key stakeholders and gathered public feedback through a survey in order to get a better understanding of challenges and opportunities. The input gathered through the first phase of engagement will help inform development of the Housing Strategy.

Over the fall, the Task Force will be working to develop recommendations on priority housing actions, building on initial engagement and data analysis findings. The Task Force recommendations will be presented to Council at the end of the year and the public will have an opportunity to weigh in on the recommendations through a community survey. A proposed Housing Strategy is expected to be presented to Council in April 2021.

How are task force members appointed?

Saanich Council appoints members to task forces, including the HSTF, through an open application process. The Task Force role and membership are endorsed by Council through approval of the Project Terms of Reference at an open Council meeting. A widely advertised application process is then undertaken to solicit applications from interested community members. Based on the Terms of Reference, Task Force members are then selected by Council through a secret ballot process.

Learn more

Information about the Housing Strategy and Task Force is available at

The backgrounder [PDF - 137 KB] outlines the Housing Strategy Task Force membership and corresponding representative category.


Media contact:
Saanich Communications