Saanich Parks and Natural Intelligence featured in Canadian City Parks Report

July 15, 2022

 Saanich Parks and Natural Intelligence featured in Canadian City Parks Report  

In 2022, the Canadian City Parks Report by Park People assessed Saanich Parks for the first time and featured our Natural Intelligence program in their City Profiles section. The report measures local and national trends in parks across Canada, highlighting cities that excel in their areas. Park People is a Canadian charity that supports and mobilizes people to help them activate the power of parks to improve the quality of life in cities across Canada.

Highlights of their findings:

  • Saanich is above average for percentage of parkland that is natural area at 65%.
  • 7.4 ha of parks & green space / 1000 people
  • 65% of parkland is natural area - 563 ha total
  • 8% of total city land is parkland - 10,830 ha of total city area
  • 16 Public washrooms - 11 winterized public washrooms
  • 1.7 Volunteers / 1000 people - 200 total park volunteers

By growing our Natural Intelligence, we build our understanding of the changing natural world around us. When we respect nature’s gifts, we can adjust our habits to be more in tune with the natural world. Our actions as individuals and as a community determine our future.

Canada Parks Day is this Saturday and we encourage you to get outside and increase your Natural Intelligence! Find out how at

To learn more about Saanich’s assessment and read the Natural Intelligence feature, visit Canadian City Parks Report 2022 (