Open house for active transportation improvements along Grange Road
February 17, 2023
The District of Saanich is moving forward with active transportation improvements along Grange Road from Burnside West Road and to Interurban Road. Grange Road is classified as a collector road but has the feel and look of a residential road with 2200 average vehicles per day. This road is connecting Burnside Road and Interurban Road and is frequently used by students attending Marigold Elementary School, Spectrum Community School, and St Joseph’s Elementary School. There is a well-used connection to a Galloping Goose Trail from the south end of Grange Road, which connects Carey Road Community with other communities through the regional trail system.
The existing pedestrian facilities along Grange Road present an outdated and narrow asphalt sidewalk, not wide enough to accommodate a couple of people comfortably walking side by side. There have been a number of complaints about speeding vehicles along Grange, which creates even more challenges for pedestrians while using this road. The existing sidewalk is well used by the public, as it connects to different levels of schools at the south end of the road as well as to the Galloping Goose regional trail. The need for improvements to the pedestrian facility is outlined in Local Safe Routes to School program and Active Transportation Plan.
As part of an initial public engagement, an online session has been held with residents of the area in December 2022. See the PowerPoint presentation for this online session here [PDF - 7 MB].
Come to our Open house
As a result of this session, we have created two concept drawings for Grange Road which we will be happy to share with the public during an Open House event on February 23 at 957 Burnside West Road (Spectrum Community School) between 4 and 8 p.m. The Open House event will be held in the school’s cafeteria. Saanich staff will be onsite to hear feedback and answer questions regarding the presented options for the active transportation improvements from Interurban to Burnside West.
The feedback generated from the Open house will be summarized and posted to the website along with an updated concept.