Phase two of public input begins to develop People, Pets and Parks Strategy
January 27, 2023
News Release
For immediate release
Saanich, BC – The District of Saanich invites parks users to share their input toward the second round of engagement for the People, Pets and Parks Strategy.
During this second phase of public engagement, data and initial findings from the first phase of engagement were presented, explored and discussed at workshops with key stakeholders. This year begins with a public open house and the launch of a second online public survey. The information collected in round two will then provide the foundation for the draft strategy.
Phase one results
In the first round of public engagement, the project team conducted a public survey; a statistically valid survey; and facilitated virtual community conversation workshops as well as distributed kitchen table workbooks to those who preferred to self-facilitate their own discussions. Results are available for review on the project webpage.
“The consultants received an overwhelming amount of feedback, including more than 1,800 survey responses and over 50 people at our virtual community conversations,” said Manager of Park Planning and Development Paul de Greeff. “The consulting team looks forward to continuing the dialogue with residents to ensure the strategy meets community needs and Saanich parks are preserved for generations to come.”
The feedback received emphasized the importance that the strategy recommendations recognize the needs of different park users while protecting natural areas and habitat. There is a need for parks to accommodate different types of pets/dogs depending on size, behaviour, level of training, age and mental state.
Ways to provide your input
There are several ways to provide your input during this second round of public engagement.
Online survey
- Open from February 1 to 22 at
- Request a paper copy if needed by contacting or 250-475-5522.
Open house
- Drop-in any time between 3 and 7 p.m. on Wednesday, February 1 at Cedar Hill Park Golf Clubhouse (1400 Derby Road).
- Unable to attend? Take part in the online survey at
- At the open house attendees will be able to connect in-person with team members and other community members to review data and identify community needs related to the practical management of pets in parks and amenities.
- Information and details about the project will be available on the webpage People, Pets and Parks Strategy | District of Saanich
- A door prize will be drawn for attendees.
- Sorry, no pets or dogs allowed in this facility.
In 2021, Council directed staff to develop People, Pets and Parks: A District Wide Strategy for Sharing Saanich’s Parks. Saanich hired Lees and Associates to develop the strategy and Modus to facilitate the public engagement activities. The strategy will set goals and objectives for the community’s vision combined with the need for practical management of specific parks and amenities.
Learn more
You can also sign up for email notifications to receive updates on the strategy and learn more about Petiquette in Saanich parks at
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Media contact:
Paul de Greeff
Manager of Park Planning and Development