Tsunami Preparedness Week is April 9-15: get the information, get prepared
April 6, 2023
Media release
For immediate release
Saanich, BC – The District of Saanich is participating in the Ministry of Emergency Management and Climate Readiness’ Tsunami Preparedness Week by encouraging residents to develop their own personal emergency preparedness plan and understand the risk of tsunami in Saanich.
“Tsunami Preparedness Week is a great opportunity for Saanich residents to understand the risk of tsunami where they live, work and play,” said Saanich Emergency Program Officer Erin Stockill. “In Saanich, you won’t have to travel far to reach safety. Start with a few small steps. If you are located within the tsunami hazard zone, practise your evacuation routes on foot or bike, with your family, friends or colleagues. Tsunami preparedness week is also an excellent time to develop or update your emergency plan.”
In July 2020, the Capital Region Coastal Flood Inundation Mapping Project was completed for the region. This project included a Tsunami Modelling and Mapping Report, which modelled 11 tsunami sources – a combination of far-field and local crustal events of varying magnitudes. This is the most detailed tsunami modelling within the region to date, providing high-resolution data. The modelling builds upon past studies to provide enhanced information to assist with emergency planning and to inform the public of the related risk.
The Tsunami Modelling and Mapping Report has been translated into a Capital Region Tsunami Information Portal, launched in September 2022. This online tool lets you enter any address in the Capital Region to see if it is located inside or outside of a tsunami hazard zone. The Capital Region Tsunami Information Portal allows residents and guests in the capital region to explore and understand their tsunami risk.
The Saanich Emergency Program hosts Preparedness 101 – Emergency Preparedness Begins With You on April 13 and April 24. These sessions provide information for individuals to be able to sustain themselves and their families for a minimum of seven days after a disaster. Each participant receives locally-developed resources to help with emergency planning.
Please join us for the next emergency preparedness presentations:
Date: Thursday April 13 (in-person) and Monday April 24 (virtual)
Time: 7 to 8 p.m.
Location: Cedar Hill Recreation Centre and Microsoft Teams
Register online or by calling 250-475-7121
Learn more about tsunami preparedness and the Saanich Emergency Program on Saanich.ca/prepare land follow us on Twitter @SaanichEP.
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Media contact:
Erin Stockill
Saanich Emergency Program Officer
Saanich Fire Department