Drop, Cover, Hold! Saanich encourages community-wide earthquake preparedness

October 10, 2024

News Release
For immediate release

Emergency Program Officer Erin Stockill and Saanich Mayor Dean Murdock demonstrate how to protect yourself during an earthquake.

BC – The District of Saanich is encouraging residents to reflect on their emergency plans while they "Drop, Cover, and Hold" during the ShakeOut earthquake drill on Thursday, October 17 at 10:17 a.m. Taking proactive measures such as building an emergency kit is a simple step anyone can take that greatly increases your safety and preparedness in the event of an earthquake or other emergency.

The Great British Columbia ShakeOut is an annual opportunity for individuals, communities, schools and organizations to practice essential earthquake safety measures.

“ShakeOut is a perfect opportunity for residents to assess their emergency preparedness levels,” said Erin Stockill, Emergency Program Officer. “There are many simple steps residents can take to ensure their prepared in-case of an emergency, it is just a matter of taking the first step, whether that’s building a grab and go bag or discussing your family’s emergency plan.”

As part of the ShakeOut drill, Saanich staff will practice earthquake safety along with over 1 million British Columbians at 10:17 a.m. Whether at home or at work – residents are encouraged to plan, prepare and participate. 

Quick Facts:

  • Saanich showcases the emergency notification page on saanich.ca twice per year: on ShakeOut Day and during Emergency Preparedness Week in May.
  • This page is enabled in the event of an emergency and provides residents with important information prior to accessing any Saanich web page.
  • In 2024, Natural Resources Canada and partners developed a national Earthquake Early Warning (EEW) System. The Canadian EEW system will automatically notify BC’s residents and visitors through the National Public Alerting System, giving the public a few seconds to drop, cover and hold on. Learn more here: Canadian Earthquake Early Warning System - Shakeout BC

Learn More: 

  • For more information or to register for ShakeOut BC, please visit: shakeoutbc.ca.  
  • To view the emergency notification page during ShakeOut BC, please visit: saanich.ca.  
  • To learn more about emergency preparedness, presentations or volunteering with the Saanich Emergency Program, contact 250-475-7140.

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Media contact:
Saanich Communications