UPDATE: Rutledge Park and Beckwith Park Splash Pads

July 25, 2024

Information Bulletin
For immediate release 

Saanich, BC – While both splash pads at Rutledge Park and Beckwith Park remain closed for the time being due to a system performance issue, staff are working on a short-term solution that they hope will allow for a partial reopening at Rutledge Park soon.

This morning, they conducted testing of this potential solution and are now evaluating the results. A partial reopening of the Rutledge Park splash pad could look like:

  • Reduced hours of operation;
  • Reduced volume of water;
  • Limited number of splash pad features; or
  • A combination of these items.

We expect to share a further update soon on whether or not this limited reopening may be possible.

Meanwhile, more investigation and research is needed at Beckwith Park, which is an older splash pad with some different considerations than the situation at Rutledge Park. 

We continue to urge patience as staff explore various short- and long-term solutions to restore full functionality at both splash pads. Please continue to visit our website and social media channels for the latest information.


Media contact:
Saanich Communications