Cedar Hill Park Management Plan

Stone bridge over phone in Cedar Hill Park

Management Plan Approval - October 2020

The plan was presented to the Parks Recreation and Trails Committee on October 1, 2020, and then presented to, and approved by Saanich Council on October 19, 2020. Please view the final Cedar Hill Park management plan [PDF - 20 MB] and associated appendices [PDF - 50 MB].

Cedar Hill Park balances nature, community, and recreation in a harmonious way. People, place, and the environment share an intimate connection that fosters mutual health and well-being. We are all stewards of the park, committed to its long-term preservation and enhancement.


Cedar Hill Park is one of Saanich’s largest parks and is home to the Cedar Hill Golf Course, Cedar Hill Recreation Centre, McRae House, the well-used chip trail as well as two baseball diamonds, Kings Pond and numerous natural areas. 

Cedar Hill is a 53.4-hectare municipal park in the Quadra Cedar Hill neighbourhood. Originally, the area used by many generations of the Lekwungen (Songhees, Esquimalt, and Saanich) First Nations. A number of landowners and leaseholders managed the property prior to Saanich obtaining the land for Parks and Recreation purposes in 1967. Kings Pond, located in the north end of the park was one of the original ponds in the area and continues to be a popular feature in the park. Initially, the Golf Couse by developed by a golf pro who leased the land from the McRae family. The Golf Course was run as a private enterprise from 1921 to 1967 (1921-1952 as a 9-Hole course/ 1952 - 1967 as an 18-hole course).

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