Field Conditions

We maintain the grass for 19 soccer, 1 football and 35 ball fields across Saanich. Fields are used by more than 8,000 players annually! To let the grass grow, we do close fields when seasons end, in poor weather or when being repaired.

Field status key
  • Open:  Fields are open. Clubs must halt play if conditions deteriorate.
  • Club discretion:  Fields are closed and conditions are marginal. Clubs may open the field, or a part of it, if conditions are suitable for play.
  • Closed:  Fields are closed for all use. They must remain closed until Saanich Parks re-opens them.
  • End of season - no permits:  Fields are undergoing seasonal maintenance and are unavailable for use.

Note: For Club Discretion status, visit that club’s website for more information. Do not play on fields when there is frost, snow, standing water or unsafe conditions. Conditions may change - clubs may still close fields or delay use at their discretion. 

Ball diamonds - Closed 

Last updated: Oct 21, 2024

Update: Rosedale Park - Diamond #1 is closed until further notice. Last updated: March 21 2025

Ball diamonds are currently closed for the off-season. 

Ball diamonds are scheduled to be open for the season starting April 1, 2025. 

Ball fields may be available when not under permit by home user clubs (you will be asked to leave if group with a valid permit arrives). Bases are the responsibility of the user group.

Inspect fields before use. Do not play if overly wet or frost/snow covered. Saanich or home user clubs reserve the right to close fields if unfit for play. Clubs must have a valid permit in place for use.

Ball back catcher getting ready to throw ball


Current conditions: football field CLOSED

Last updated: March 21, 2025

The football field at Copley West Park is currently posted as CLOSED due to winter conditions. It may be available for play when not under permit by the home user club (you will be asked to leave if the home user group comes to use field when under their permit).

Inspect fields before use. Do not play if overly wet or frost/snow covered. Saanich or home user club reserve the right to close field if unfit for play.

Greater Victoria Minor Football

  • Copley West – CLOSED - Last Updated: March 21, 2025


Current conditions - Soccer Fields - CLUB DISCRETION

Last updated: March 21, 2025 

Please check back for updates on which fields may be closed due to weather or maintenance.

Artificial grass turf fields require a park permit once the existing home user group has confirmed availability. Home user groups directly schedule and collect user fees for artificial turf soccer field use.

Reminder: Clubs are responsible to properly secure goal posts at all times. Goal posts must be off the field at the end of each session to enable grass to be properly cut. If goals on field, the mower will go around them. We limit the number of hours of permitted use on grass fields to try and keep the grass playing surface healthy and safe. Fields remain not in use on certain days for this reason.

Inspect fields before use. Do not play if overly wet or frost/snow covered. Saanich or home user club reserve the right to close field if unfit for play.


All Natural fields are CLUB DISCRETION. Last updated March 21, 2025.

Please have a good walk of the fields before deciding how to proceed before practice or play. Conditions vary from field to field.

Please note that any casual play or practice or even walking on frozen turf will result in extensive damage. Lets protect our fields!

Club / Field(s)

Gorge Soccer Association

Lakehill Soccer Association


Prospect Lake Soccer Club

Saanich Fusion


Practice areas
  • Hampton Practice Area:  Opened or Closed by Home Club
  • Tyndall Practice Area:  Opened or Closed by Home Club
Artificial turf fields
  • Braefoot Artificial Turf Field:  Opened or Closed by Home Club (Lakehill Soccer) 
  • Hampton Artificial Turf Field:  Opened or Closed by Home Club (Gorge Soccer) 
  • Layritz Artificial Turf Field:  Opened or Closed by Home Club (Prospect Lake Soccer) 
  • Lochside Artificial Turf Field:  Opened or Closed by Home Club (Saanich Fusion)
  • Tyndall Artificial Turf Field:  Opened or Closed by Home Clubs (Saanich Fusion)

Sports fields are available for public use when open. Home user groups have priority use and will ask you to leave if during their season permit times. Please inspect fields before use. Nets are owned by the home user clubs and not available for public use without prior arrangement with the home club.


Information on field closures

We thank club members who check fields before games. We may close fields due to poor weather conditions, concern for player safety or maintenance needs. Fields are not to be used when marked closed by Saanich Parks.

We work closely with clubs, and realize field closures impact thousands of players. We know that fall/winter sports are not fair-weather sports, and players (and parents) are used to playing in the wet and cold.

Please check in with your club to confirm field status prior to use.
