Project Update (Sept 2023)
We have received approval from the Province to do the further investigative work, which is tentatively scheduled for September 12. Crews will be onsite with Environmental Consultants and Geotechnical Engineers. This investigative work is to determine the spillway level should a partial decommissioning of the dam be approved.
No further work on the dam will be done this fall/winter.
Project Update (July 2023)
Work on the decommissioning of the Beckwith main dam continues with the Province and we hope to be doing further investigative work in August. Through the feedback we have received to date, keeping the water level as high as possible is the main concern and this work will help determine the final elevation of the spillway and the maximum water level of the pond.
At this stage of the investigation, should a partial decommissioning of the dam be approved, construction would likely be during the summer of 2024.
Project Update Update (March 29, 2023)
On Tuesday February 7, 2003, Saanich Parks together with Don Mann Excavating hosted a Public Open House and presented information about the decommissioning project for the dam at Beckwith Park.
Thank you to all who took the time to complete the feedback questionnaire. The results of the feedback questionnaire are available here. [PDF - 497 KB]
To better understand the Partial Decommissioning option and minimize the reduction in water level, Don Mann Excavating, monitored by Aqua-Tex Scientific, Ryzuk Engineering, with assistance from Saanich Parks will be on-site at the end of May (weather dependant) to excavate a test hole on the main dam to accurately determine the elevation of the native soil. This investigation will establish the final grade of the spillway to meet provincial regulations governing the decommissioning of the dam.
Project Update Update (March 1, 2023)
On Tuesday February 7, 2003, Saanich Parks together with Don Mann Excavating hosted a Public Open House and presented information about the decommissioning project for the dam at Beckwith Park.
Thank you to all who took the time to complete the feedback questionnaire. The results of the feedback questionnaire will be posted here soon.
Water Licence Removal
Beckwith Pond is a constructed landscape feature formerly used by farmers in the area as an irrigation pond. The licence was attached to an adjacent property by the Province, and that property is now owned by Don Mann Excavating Ltd.
The primary objective of the Beckwith Pond Dam Decommissioning Project is to separate the water licence and its duties and responsibilities from the adjacent property and assign those to the Beckwith Park property (i.e., to the District of Saanich): the Provincial Dam Safety Office Under the Water Sustainability Act and Dam Safety Regulation administers the licensing, maintenance and decommissioning requirements for the licence in question.
Beckwith Pond Dam decommissioning and associated ecological restoration work as proposed by Don Mann Excavating Ltd. is required prior to discharge of their water licence to mitigate risk. The project is expected to have significant environmental benefits to the Beckwith Park landscape with only minor disruptions to public use of the park. Don Mann Excavating Ltd. would like to start the project, pending Provincial permits and the results of ongoing public consultation.
Dam Decommissioning
The decommissioning of dams in the Province is administered by Dam Safety Officers and the B.C. Dam Safety Program works to reduce risks associated with the design, construction, operation, maintenance, removal and/or decommissioning of a dam. The decommissioning of the Beckwith Pond dam structure is a prerequisite for removal of the water licence. This also means the owners of the water licence are responsible for dam decommissioning even though the dam is located in Beckwith Park. The dam decommissioning plan has been reviewed by a provincial Dam Safety Officer and is compliant with requirements of the provincial Water Sustainability Act and Dam Safety Regulation.
Retention of Beckwith Park Amenities
The continuous looped path around the Beckwith Pond takes advantage of the dam structure on the eastern edge and pathways that lead off into adjacent neighbourhoods connect to the looped trail, making it a popular neighbourhood walking route. A key outcome of this project is to retain the loop trail and its connections, as such, the required breach in the dam will see pedestrian bridge approximately 10m in length.
Wildlife Habitat Enhancements
As a result of the breach in the dam, several habitat enhancements will be realized at the new bridge site.
New Stream Channel
The removal of an approximately 10m wide section of the dam (i.e., the breach) will allow the construction of a new stream channel designed to take the overflow from the pond and direct it safely into the Beckwith Creek.
Stream Channel Plantings
All of the plants chosen for the stream restoration are indigenous to the southern Vancouver Island region. Plants such as Ocean Spray, Pacific Ninebark, Red Twig Dogwood and mixture of rushes and sedges will provide habitat (food and nesting materials) to encourage diversity and a healthy ecosystem for birds and other animals.
Pond Riparian Vegetation
The water level of the pond will decrease slightly from the current condition because of the breach but this will allow riparian species such as Red Osier Dogwood and Willows to colonize the newly exposed soil around the perimeter of the pond. This habitat type can be particularly valuable for songbirds.
Berm Plantings
Like the channel riparian plantings, the plants proposed for the fill berm area are all indigenous to region. All the plants are tolerant of summer drought, and therefore do not need to be irrigated once established. They will provide habitat for insects, birds, and animals, and offer natural beauty throughout the growing seasons.
Invasive Species
Presently, an abundance of blackberries in the northeast corner of the site will be buried to form a small berm. The berm will be planted with a mixture of Douglas Fir, Big Leaf Maples, Red Alder and Oregon Oak, with the soil being seeded with a meadow mix.
Questions or comments?
Contact us at or 250-475-5522.