Lochside and Fowler Park Renewal Project

Fowler Park sign near parking lot entrance

Project Update June 2024

Saanich Parks is pleased to announce continued progress on the Fowler Park “Active Hub” project. Following the approval of additional funding by Council, we are finalizing the detailed construction drawings.

You may have noticed granular materials stockpiled in the parking lot. These materials were secured from the Engineering Department’s Quadra Street project, helping to reduce costs for both projects.

In response to community feedback, we have addressed concerns about potential noise from the new Pickleball courts by implementing recommendations from our acoustic study and using the site's natural topography, noise will be mitigated with a small wall and berms.

We anticipate that our Parks Construction team will begin work on the project in late July or early August.

We appreciate your patience and support as we enhance Fowler Park for the community.

Project Update October 2023

Saanich Parks has refined the preferred “Active Hub” conceptual plan for Fowler Park that was presented at an open house last May.  In response to concerns about Pickleball noise, the plan uses the recommendations in the acoustic study and the site's natural topography to reduce noise with a small wall and berms. Since the Pickleball courts are considered new assets and the Parks Capital funds are primarily allocated for asset renewals, a funding request will be made to Council as part of the annual budgeting process.

Other features in the park include a loop trail, park furniture, drinking fountain, bike racks, and a covered area for bikes and picnicking. The existing vault style toilet near the parking lot will remain, as adding another closer to the courts could create odour issues for those enjoying their game.

 The Fowler Park plan was presented to the Natural Areas, Parks and Trails Advisory Committee on October 12, 2023.

If you have any comments that you would like to share, send them to us by email to parks@saanich.ca 

Project Update July 2023

We are continuing to work on developing the plans for Lochside and Fowler Parks based on the information we have received from the questionnaire, the Sound Study, and the Geotechnical Study for Fowler Park.

Project Update May 2023

Saanich Parks hosted an Open House on May 2, 2023 to display information and receive feedback on conceptual plans for Lochside & Fowler Parks.

View the presentation material: LochsideFowler_May2-2023_Presentation.pdf [PDF - 9 MB]  

The questionnaire is now closed, however, you can still send us feedback by email to parks@saanich.ca

Project UPDATE April 2023

Saanich Parks continues to move forward with the planning and design work on making improvements to Lochside & Fowler Parks and we will be hosting an open house to collect your feedback on Concept Plan Options for both parks.

Drop in and meet with Saanich Parks staff at the open house:
Date: Tuesday May 2, 2023
Location: Cordova Bay 55+ Centre, 5238 Cordova Bay Road
Time: DROP-IN between 3:30 and 7:00 p.m.
Light refreshments will be available.

If you are unable to attend the Open House, the proposed options and questionnaire will be available here on May 2nd.

You can also send us your comments by sending an email to parks@saanich.ca with any comments you have about the proposed options.

First Phase

The first phase of the Planning and Design process for the Park Renewal Project has started for Lochside Park [PDF - 487 KB] and Fowler Park [PDF - 156 KB].

An online survey was avaialble until December 12, 2021. Check out the results... [PDF - 2 MB]

The Park Renewal Project focuses on replacing the aging playground and tennis courts at Lochside and utilizing the open space at Fowler Park more effectively. The sports fields are not part of this project as they are well established anchor facilities for the community. 

Fowler Park concept plan approved by Council in 2008Council approved a concept plan for Fowler Park in 2008. It will form the basis for the development in the park, however, we recognize that there may be different ideas today to make that park a vibrant part of the community.

Please contact Saanich Parks by email parks@saanich.ca or call 250-475-5522 if you would like to join our email list for more information and updates on the project as we move forward with the Planning and Design process.

Lochside Park playground and park sign with trees in the forefront