Saanich Outdoor Sports Field Strategy

The District of Saanich is developing an Outdoor Sports Field Strategy as we invest in people and neighbourhoods to foster community health and a sense of belonging. This is an important objective of our Council Strategic Plan to further enhance community well-being.

Sports fieldThe strategy will evaluate our existing outdoor sports fields and lacrosse boxes to review current and future demand and trends to ensure the needs of our growing population and the community’s access to sports are met. This includes review of current use, regional assessment and benchmarking against other municipalities, and review of existing policies and asset management practices.   

Local outdoor sports field and lacrosse box groups bring a lot of value to our community, helping people of all ages to play the games they love, enjoy the teamwork and camaraderie of the field and pursue excellence. We’re fortunate to have investments from long standing sports user groups in our parks and we value the programs they offer to support active living and community sport.

A key part of the strategy is engagement with these organizations. We’ll be asking the outdoor community sports groups to take part in this important opportunity to voice their thoughts and needs regarding outdoor sports fields and lacrosse boxes. The end result will be a thoughtful, modern, and sustainable plan to guide future planning, management and investment in outdoor sports fields and lacrosse boxes.

Please check back here for project updates. 

Project Timeline

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 Outdoor Sports Field Strategy Timeline [PDF - 80 KB]


Saanich Parks, Recreation and Community Services Outdoor Sports Field Strategy

1. Why are you undertaking this strategy?

 Saanich is undertaking this strategy to provide a snapshot of current conditions and use of the community’s sport fields and to plan for future needs. Consultants will evaluate:

  • Current and anticipated demand levels;
  • Availability and condition of sport fields;
  • Required infrastructure and amenities to support future demand,

In essence, this strategy will aim to ensure Saanich’s sport fields meet the community's needs now and in the future. It will provide a path for the District and sports groups to create opportunities for fundraising for improved infrastructure, strengthen partnerships, and point to new opportunities.

2. What is the scope of the strategy?

The strategy will consider existing outdoor sports fields, including grass playing fields, artificial turf and lacrosse boxes.

Saanich has:

  • 37 baseball fields
  • 18 rectangular grass soccer fields
  • 1 grass football field
  • 6 artificial turf fields
  • 2 lacrosse boxes

Regional assessments of municipal facilities (parks and recreation centres) schools, and other facilities accessible to the public, including facilities offered by other municipalities will be included in the strategy along with an evaluation on opportunities to expand the use and/or programming of existing assets and partner with other jurisdictions.

3. How can we have our say?

The Consultants will be issuing questionnaires and conducting in-person interviews with over 45 user groups who currently use Saanich Parks. This approach ensures a wide range of perspectives is captured from those actively engaged with the community’s sport fields.

The Outdoor Sports Field Strategy will be shared with the public.

4. How will feedback be used?

The consultants will gather information from user groups on access, programs, membership, fees, charges, seasons, trends, and program priorities. They will also seek feedback on areas of concern and opportunities for improvement related to field conditions and access, helping to shape the final recommendations and strategic planning for Saanich’s sport fields.

5. When will the strategy be finalized?

The final draft of the outdoor sports field strategy is estimated to be available for public viewing summer 2025.

6. Does this mean Saanich will be investing in more sports fields throughout the District?

The strategy will aim to assess current facilities, identify future needs, and provide recommendations based on demand, field conditions, and community requirements. Decisions on investing in more sports fields will be informed by the findings and recommendations of this strategy,  subsequent community discussions and budget considerations.

7. What about sports groups who have invested in the current fields – do they get a say in what happens?

The consultants will conduct in-person interviews and issue questionnaires to over 45 user groups, including those who have made investments in Saanich’s sport fields or surrounding infrastructure. This ensures that their perspectives and contributions are considered and incorporated in the strategy’s development.

8. Will this strategy include artificial turf fields?

The strategy will evaluate the current and anticipated demand for artificial turf fields, as well as the condition of existing turf fields in Saanich Parks. However, it does not include a review of the current arrangements between Saanich and the Soccer Associations who use and manage these fields.

9. How will this strategy impact current field usage?

During the development of the strategy, there will be no changes to field usage. The strategy may recommend changes along with an implementation plan for any changes.

10. Will there be improvements to existing facilities?

The strategy will assess the condition of existing facilities and may recommend improvements based on the community’s needs and future demand forecasts. Buildings are not included in the project scope of the Outdoor Sports Field Strategy.

11. How can user groups provide feedback if they’re not directly contacted?

While the primary feedback will be gathered by the user groups currently engaged with the community’s sport fields, additional feedback channels may be made available to ensure wider community input is considered.

12. How will the strategy impact field rental fees?

The strategy may recommend changes along with an implementation plan for any changes.

13. Is there a possibility of introducing new types of sport facilities?

Based on the community’s demand and future trends identified in the strategy, recommendations for new types of sport facilities may be made.

14. How will the strategy address accessibility and inclusion for marginalized and DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) groups?

The strategy will evaluate and recommend improvements to ensure sports fields are accessible and inclusive for marginalized and DEI groups. This includes gathering information from existing user groups about their participants and programs to identify and address any barriers to participation.

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