Visitor Code of Conduct in Saanich Recreation Facilities
Saanich Parks, Recreation and Community Services policy #20
Original date: January 9, 2023
Revision date: April 8, 2024
A. Guiding Principles
Diversity and Inclusion
The District of Saanich (the “District”) is committed to celebrating the rich diversity of people in our community. The District is guided by the principle that embracing diversity enriches the lives of all people. As neighbours, we all share the responsibility for creating an equitable and inclusive community and for addressing discrimination in all forms.
Safety and Security
The District values the safety and security of visitors and staff, and the protection of personal and public property within Saanich Recreation Facilities including, Cedar Hill Golf Course, programs and services (“Recreation Facilities”). Each visitor to the Recreation Facilities is expected to conduct themselves in a manner that respects the rights of others, so that everyone may feel welcome to enjoy these facilities, programs and services.
This Code of Conduct is in addition to and not in substitution of any rights an individual may have to pursue action under the BC Human Rights Code.
B. Reasons for the Code of Conduct
The Code of Conduct is in place in order to:
- Provide safe and welcoming programs, services and Recreation Facilities for all visitors;
- Increase the understanding of the importance of creating positive and supportive environments in Recreation Facilities;
- Provide guidelines for participants, volunteers, staff members, coaches, officials, spectators, user groups and other visitors using Recreation Facilities
- Decrease inappropriate behaviour among participants, volunteers, staff members, coaches, officials, spectators and other visitors using Recreation Facilities.
C. Inappropriate Behaviour
The District will not tolerate any form of inappropriate behaviour in Recreation Facilities. Inappropriate behaviour can be intentional or unintentional and can occur in person, on the telephone or via digital communication.
Inappropriate behaviour includes: disrespectful or dangerous behaviour and discrimination.
Disrespectful or Dangerous Behaviour
Disrespectful or dangerous behaviour is:
- Objectionable or unwelcome conduct, which may or may not have intent to cause harm and has a negative effect on the facility or individual(s); and
- Any uncivil, inappropriate, or unlawful behaviour.
Examples of disrespectful or dangerous behaviour include any single significant incident or repeated incidents of objectionable or unwelcome conduct, but are not limited to:
- Demeaning, insulting, discriminatory, or belittling comments or conversation.
- Bullying and harassment.
- Excessive use of profanity.
- Yelling, angry outbursts or shouting (except where intended to alert another to danger).
- Conduct that creates unsafe conditions.
- Failing to or refusing to follow District of Saanich facility rules or Staff Member’s directions.
- Displaying abusive or offensive materials, words and images.
- Intimidation.
- Physical striking of other individuals.
- Attempts to goad or incite violence in others.
- Verbal or physical threats to another’s safety or wellbeing.
- Failure to respect facility, materials and equipment including creating intentional mess, vandalism and/or property damage.
- Consumption of alcohol, except in areas or events that are licensed for alcohol.
- Consumption of drugs.
- Public Intoxication.
- Smoking or Vaping.
- Hostile or unwanted attention, including but not limited to subtle comments about personal appearance, flirting or propositions, inquiring about personal details, and oversharing of personal details.
- Unwanted or unwelcome physical contact.
- Conduct, comments, actions, micro aggressions or gestures or any other means of communication which humiliate, intimidate, offend or degrade a particular person or group.
- Sexual harassment, being any unwelcome behaviour, comment or conduct that is sexual in nature and negatively affects or threatens to affect, directly or indirectly, a person.
- Capturing or sharing photo or video of staff or other patrons without their permission.
- Nuisance Behaviour
- Bringing weapons (knives, guns, swords etc) into facilities with the exception of Kirpans worn by Khalsa Sikhs (See Procedure 3 for more information).
- Posting or distributing discriminatory material
Discrimination is:
- Inappropriate behaviour when connected to a protected ground: race, colour, ancestry, place of origin, political belief, religion, marital status, family status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, criminal conviction or age or any other protected ground covered by the BC Human Rights Code.
- Behaviours, comments or actions to or about an individual or group, which are unwelcome, based on a protected ground and result in a negative environment.
Examples of discrimination include but are not limited to any previously described form of inappropriate behaviour that is based on a protected ground listed above.
D. Dress Code
The District implements the following dress code as per posted guidelines to ensure safety of all persons using Recreation Facilities:
- Appropriate attire for Swimming:
Attire conducive to swimming use such as,
- bathing suit
- swim trunks, board shorts
- t-shirts, shorts
- burkini,
- swim hijab
- leggings and tunic
- rash guard
- wet suit
Appropriate swimwear allows the body to move freely, does not impede buoyancy and does not create an increased risk to the safety of the bather or lifeguard.
Attire for swimming must be clean, must not restrict movement or create a safety hazard, and cannot be clothing worn from the street or work-out into the pool.
1.2 Attire for swimming that is considered unacceptable includes, but is not limited to:
- Items designed for sexual/intimate purposes
- Clothing which absorbs water and becomes heavy such as jeans or sweatpants
- Attire with long/flowing fabric that may limit movement or cause a safety risk
- Attire with studs, zippers or other metal embellishments that may damage equipment
Fitness/Weight Room Areas
2. Clean, enclosed exercise shoes are required at all times
3. Shirts or sports bras must be worn at all times
Café Areas, common areas
4. Shirt/cover up and proper footwear is required
If a visitor fails to follow the dress code, they will be asked to wear proper attire or leave by a Staff Member and will be permitted to return once they are properly attired.
E. Enforcement
Authorization to Enforce
The Recreation Facility staff members (“Staff Members”) are authorized to interpret and enforce the Code of Conduct. The Code of Conduct is a policy document, and it is ultimately up to the Staff Members, acting reasonably, to determine whether certain behaviour amounts to a breach of the Code of Conduct. The Visitor Code of Conduct in Recreation Facilities, Operating Policy #20, attached to this Code of Conduct (the “Enforcement Policy”), are the procedures to be followed by staff when a breach is determined to have occurred. All such incidents are to be formally documented on an incident form and forwarded to the facility manager for review and follow up.
Complaints by Individuals
If you are a visitor to a Recreation Facility and you believe that you have been the subject of or you have witnessed a breach of the Code of Conduct from another visitor or Staff Member, you should report to a Staff Member who will record the complaint, assess the situation, and take appropriate action.
Suspension from facilities
Subject to the Enforcement Policy, all Recreation Facility Staff Members have the authority to temporarily suspend access to an individual for up to seventy-two (72) hours or until the facility manager is able to speak to them. The Staff Member is to offer the facility manager’s business card for follow-up. The facility manager (or delegate) will contact the suspended patron as soon as possible on the next workday. Suspensions that are longer than seventy-two (72) hours must be authorized by the facility manager. The facility manager may consider any relevant factors to determine the appropriate length and conditions of suspension. Such factors include, but are not limited to:
- any history of inappropriate behaviour at Recreation Facilities of the individual facing suspension; and
- the level of risk to public/staff safety that the individual’s behaviour presents.
For suspensions that are longer than seventy-two (72) hours, the suspended individual will receive formal notice of their suspension, to be delivered by hand, by email (if an active email address is available for the individual), or by registered mail to the individual’s residence. In most cases, suspension will apply to all Saanich Recreation Facilities. The notice of suspension will include directions for an opportunity for the individual to appeal their suspension.
Disclosure and Use of Personal Information
The District may disclose the notice of suspension, any incident reports, and any identifiable information including photographs attached to the suspended individual’s recreation account with facility managers of other Regional Recreation Facilities on a ‘need to know’ basis. The personal information is disclosed under section 26 (c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA), for the purposes of safety and security of patrons, staff and facilities.
If the individual’s conduct presents a significant risk to public safety, including but not limited to any instances of criminal activity or sexual misconduct, the District may disclose the notice of suspension and any incident reports with the Saanich Police Department under section 26 (b) of FIPPA, for the purposes of law enforcement.
If a visitor wishes to appeal any decision made by a Staff Member at the Recreation Facilities, they may do so by writing the Senior Manager of Recreation via email
or by mail at 770 Vernon Avenue, Victoria B.C. V8X 2W7 Attn: Senior Manager of Recreation.
The appeal letter must include:
- The name and contact information of the visitor;
- The date of the incident that triggered the visitor to write an appeal letter;
- The Recreation Facility in which the incident occurred;
- A brief chronological description of the visitor’s account of the events surrounding the incident.
The Senior Manager of Recreation will review the appeal and provide a response to the visitor.
This appeal process is available to those individuals who:
- Have been suspended from the Recreation Facilities;
- Have brought a complaint to the attention of a Recreation Facility Staff Member, and believes the complaint was not properly addressed.