Saanich is home to some of the rarest ecosystems in Canada!
The natural areas in Saanich provide unique ecological characteristics and are home to many rare and threatened species.
Saanich’s Natural Area team protects and enhances these ecosystems for current and future generations through:
- Biodiversity protection and enhancement: invasive species management and the restoration of natural systems throughout natural area parks. Includes management of over 200 environmental restoration sites (including riparian zones, creeks and waterways, and terrestrial areas). Work includes expanding Garry Oak and other sensitive ecosystems and Species-at-Risk protection and restoration, and monitoring of these areas.
- Restoration of new sites: includes the removal of invasive species and the planting of native trees, shrubs, other native plants. Restoration sites are maintained for five to seven years to ensure the successful establishment of native plants and ecosystems.
- Providing operational support for the Pulling Together Volunteer Program: active in over 45 park locations with hundreds of active volunteers. Includes pick up and removal of over 50 tonnes of invasive plant species annually. This work is a vital component of biodiversity protection and enhancement and contributes to community well-being.
- Protection and enhancement of the urban forest in natural area parks: includes tree planting, watering, and care as well as the maintenance and establishment of newly planted trees.
Saanich residents can protect and enhance these ecosystems for current and future generations through: