Social Media

Follow, share and engage with us!  


  • @SaanichParksRec: Providing you with information on our 170 parks, more than 100 km of trails, 4 recreation centres, golf course and more!
  • @Saanich EP: Find out about our Emergency Prorgram - volunteering, disaster preparedness and handy tips to keep you and your family safe.
  • @SaanichPolice: Proudly keeping Saanich safe since 1906.
  • @AceK9Saanich: Police community outreach featuring Ace, our popular mascot.
  • @SaanichFire: The Saanich Fire Department has been proudly serving the community since 1919. The Saanich Emergency Program provides you with emergency preparedness information and response training to major emergencies and disasters.
  • @SaanichBlkWatch: Block Watch is a neighbour-helping-neighbour program that assists in preventing crime and keeping neighbourhoods safe!

Facebook communities


Our LinkedIn page offers employment opportunities and news and events from Saanich.


Check out our channel for great community stories and to learn about projects.