Bike Buses

What is a Bike Bus?

A Bike Bus is a group of kids, supported by one or more adult(s), riding their bikes to school. Students and adults meet up at a predetermined location to form a group to ride to the school with, creating a Bike Bus. The goal is to encourage active transportation in a fun and accessible way.


  • Increased bicycle and road safety skills
  • Independent mobility for kids
  • Learning healthy habits
  • Social connections
  •  Improved air quality
  • Reduced congestion

Bike Buses are a school-led initiative which requires the coordination of many parties including school officials, local governments and the parent association.

Who is in charge of a bike bus?

Parents, PAC or School administrators can coordinate and implement the Bike Bus. This includes organizing volunteers to ride along with students, determining a meet-up point to begin the Bike Bus and sharing information with students and parents to get them excited to participate and providing details about when and where it is happening.

Saanich staff will support schools to organize and run their own Bike Bus. We are also happy to answer any questions and we could be available to attend a PAC meeting to discuss your plans.