SNPP Summer Camps


The Saanich Neighbourhood Playground Program (SNPP) is a collection of summer camps that take place entirely outdoors in various Saanich playgrounds. The camps offer affordable and safe childcare options for families to let their children play and explore the parks in their local neighbourhoods. Our camps have a minimum of two staff members, as well as Jr. Leaders who provide contentious supervision to the 24 campers in their care. Our camps offer a blend of games, crafts, walking out trips and free play for the week’s activities.

The SNPP program ages are 5.5 years to 10 years, and our youngest participants must have completed kindergarten. Our program has six parks: Marigold Park, Meadow Park, Glanford Park, Horner Park, Reynolds Park and Copley Park West. Our camps are always operating outdoors regardless of the weather, with the exception of smoke or other extreme weather conditions. However, while our camps operate outside, our locations do have buildings that have washrooms, running water, and storage space for general camp supplies as well as bikes and scooters.


SNPP Parks   Supervisor        Contact Info
Copley West

Maddie Parks


Shannon Phelps

Tyler A Smith


SNPP Parks Map 


What kind of training and certifications do SNPP staff have?

Do SNPP camps take out trips?

  • SNPP camps do a variety of out trips to locations within walking distance of the “home base” location. Walking out trips are to other parks, forests, playgrounds, trails and other exciting outdoor locations around the neighbourhood. Staff will inform parents in advance of out trips and let them know departing time, estimated return time, and what to bring. **Please note that staff will not sign children in or out of camp while in transit. For safety reasons, sign in/out will occur before the out trip begins or at the destination**

Do all SNPP camps look the same? 

  • SNPP offers six camps, and the overall experience a parent and camper can expect is largely consistent across all our camps. All our camps operate outdoors, offer a blend of structured free play and pre-planned games and activities, and take walking out trips. All SNPP staff receive the same training and are held to the same standards, and while we expect there to be small day-to-day differences in the camps' programming, we want the community to know what to expect when attending one of our programs. 

If SNPP camps are not in a building, how can I contact the camp/leaders?

  • Each camp location has a staff cell phone that each park uses to communicate to parents and supervisors. Leaders are taught to share the number or write it on their white boards Monday morning at drop off for parents that want it/need it. Additionally, parents can also contact SNPP supervisors OR the reception team at G.R. Pearkes Recreation Centre who can put them in contact with the camp.
  • Staff have access to a staff cell phone to communicate important information and react in the case of emergency. We stress to our staff the importance of not being on their phone and being present at the camp. We request that as a parent, if you have access to a staff work phone, you only contact them with relevant and important information.

SNPP camps typically have long waitlists, how likely is my child to get in if they are deep down on a waitlist? Is it worth it to put my child on the waitlist?

  •  Camps see lots of movement down our waitlists between registration in April and the beginning of camps in July/August. While we cannot guarantee anyone getting a spot, we recommend always putting yourself on a waitlist. Every year we have people get spots from 10-15 places down the waitlist, so it never hurts!

Can I apply a childcare subsidy to SNPP camps? 

  • No. SNPP is not a licensed childcare program, and therefore parents are not able to claim this program towards their subsidy.

What is the WYLD program? What is their role in SNPP?

  • The WYLD program (Willing Youth Leading Diversely) is Saanich's Jr. Leadership mentorship program that provides enriching opportunities to youth and looks to grow the next crop of Saanich leaders. You will see WYLD leaders at SNPP parks this summer in WYLD branded shirts supporting campers, leading games and learning the ins and outs of being a camp leader. If you’d like more information about the program speak to your camp leaders or email

What is the electronics policy at SNPP? 

  • SNPP is an electronics-free zone. Our program is aimed at getting campers outside and active, and away from the distractions that screens provide. We understand that some campers come with phones because of walking home or for use after camp time is over, and in those situations, we ask electronics be left in children’s backpacks until needed. We also have a locked space inside all our buildings if parents are concerned about the loss or theft of electronics.
  • If your child comes with electronics and uses them as an assistive device, please reach out to your SNPP supervisor so we can best assist your child in their week(s) with us.

What does an SNPP camp look like if it rains?

  • SNPP camps operate rain or shine and will stay at their park locations in the event of rain. SNPP camps have tents and tarps to create dry zones, as well as having access to the interior of their building. In the event of rain, parents are encouraged to send their children with jackets, pants, water-resistant shoes and a towel.

What does an SNPP camp look like in the event of smoke?

  • In the event of an air quality warning, Saanich will either find a suitable indoor location for its camps or will cancel camp for the applicable days and provide prorated refunds. Due to the quickly changing nature of these weather events, information will be sent to individuals as soon as an air quality warning has been issued.

What is SNPP's lost and found policy? 

  • Each SNPP Park will keep its own lost and found at their park location during the summer. Once summer camps are over, all lost and found will be brought to a recreation centre and added to that centre's lost and found.

What is Saanich's summer camp refund policy? 

  • All Saanich camps have a five calendar day refund policy, and any requests for refunds inside of five days are at the supervisors discretion. For a week of camp, the latest time to be guaranteed a refund would be 9 a.m. on Wednesday morning of the week prior.

Can I sign my child in before 8:45 a.m.?

  • No. Sign-in prior to camp starting is not permitted. Our staff take the few minutes prior to camp to prepare activities, assess the safety of the site and get ready for the day. Parents are welcome to be at the site with their children early, but Saanich staff will not assume custody of campers prior to 8:45 a.m. 

What should I do if I am running late to pick up my child? 

  • If possible, please reach out to either the camp's staff cell phone, the SNPP supervisor team, or the GR Pearkes front desk team if you know you will be late. Staff have also been instructed to contact parents at 4:02 p.m., so if you receive a phone call from the park phone, please let them know where you are and your estimated arrival time.
  • Please note that sign-out is any time before 4 p.m., and staff will begin contacting parents of children still signed in at this time. There are instances where being late is out of parents control, but those making a consistent habit of arriving after 4 p.m. put stress on our program and repeated late sign-outs will trigger a conversation between parents and supervisory staff.

If my child requires or may benefit from additional support, how can I make sure the leaders are best prepared to support my child? 

  • An effective way to support your child would be to reach out to the SNPP supervisors ahead of time and initiate a conversation about what your child’s needs are and ways that support would be helpful to your situation. Please let us know what successful situations have looked like in the past, and include information such as best communication strategies, if physical aids or equipment are required, what a day at school looks like and anything else that might help us create a successful environment.
  • If your child needs support from a direct one-on-one staff member or external support staff, those requests are handled through our Inclusion Services team. Please reach out to to inquire about the registration process and access to additional supports. 

What do I do if my child has a significant allergy?

  • If your child has an allergy, we require you to complete our Anaphylaxis Action Plan and share the information in the plan with our staff at sign in on the first day of camp. The plan includes what your child is allergic to, medications your child comes with, where those medications would be located (which pocket of backpack), what symptoms present as, and what the emergency protocol is. This form is emailed to parents with the welcome email and is requested parents bring the completed form before day one of camp. Camp leaders will then review the form and sign that they understand the needs and preventative strategies to keep your child safe. If your child’s allergy is extreme, we encourage parents to reach out to supervisors directly before camp starts. 
  • All children with significant allergies who attend with an Epi-Pen must come with a non-expired pen. As part of the Anaphylaxis Action Plan, staff will check the expiration date of Epi-Pens and will not take custody of children with expired medication.

What should my child bring to a typical day of camp?

  • Campers should bring close-toed shoes, a change of clothes, swimsuit and towel, hat, water bottle, sunscreen, lunch and snacks.

How do I add another person as an authorized pickup?

  • Parents can physically write updates to their pickups on the sheet at sign in/out. This method will not have these names added to future weeks of camp within Saanich and using this method would require parents to write updates to their child’s pickups each week they attend.
  • Parents can update their authorized pickups on their RecOnline account. This will update any future weeks of camp. However, this will not update the pickups for the week that is currently in progress.
  • When a last-minute addition is required (usually the same day that a new person will be picking up), parents can email their camp supervisor with the full name and phone number of the person they will have picking up their child. This is only accepted for last minute or day-of types of additions, and Saanich will request parents add pickups by one of the two ways listed above.

Do I need to bring photo ID to pickup my child? What happens if someone who isn't an authorized pickup is picking up my child?

  • Saanich IDs everyone who signs out a child at one of our camps. People coming to sign a child out will be asked who they are signing out and will be asked to present photo ID. Saanich Staff will not release a child to someone who is not an authorized pickup, or to anyone who does not present ID when asked. This is a Saanich policy across all  our camps and is for the safety of all the children in our care.
  • In the event a parent forgets to add someone to the authorized pickups, Saanich must receive written consent from the person who registered the child of updates to the pickup list. An update to an authorized pickup list will not be added over the phone.