FAQ’s – Frequently Asked Questions

1. Am I guaranteed a job with The District of Saanich after I complete Step 2 of the WYLD Program?

a: No, WYLD Leaders are not guaranteed employment after completing this program. However, you will leave this program with the necessary qualifications and skills to apply for employment with The District of Saanich as a Program Assistant. 

2. When can I apply for employment with The District of Saanich? What are the requirements?

a: Entry level positions are available to candidates who are in their Grade 10 Year. They must show a minimum of 8 weeks summer camp experience and hold a current Standard First Aid and CPRC certificate. A police information check is required if offered a position

3. Can I apply to Step Two If I have previous leadership experience with another municipality or program but did not complete Step One: Learn to Lead?

a: We strongly encourage everyone to start our WYLD Program at Step one even if you have previous leadership experience. This mentored placement program offers a unique set of training and learning that we do not want youth to miss out on.  If you are in this position, please contact Maddie.parks@saanich.ca. An interview will be required to gain an understanding of the curriculum previously completed. Exceptions to this rule may be considered on a rare occasion. Priority is given to applicants who have completed Step One of the WYLD program. 

4. Am I guaranteed a spot if I have ample previous experience in the community, at school and extra-curricular activities?

a: No. While we do take all these things into consideration, we receive a high volume of applications. Successful candidates have enthusiasm, show initiative, professionalism and are reflective of their goals, and things they are working on personally, at home and in their community. Authenticity is important.  

5. Am I guaranteed a spot in Step 2 if I completed Step One last year?

a: No. WYLD program coordinators will interview candidates who apply for step two who have shown ample effort to grow their skills throughout the year. Preference is given to WYLD leaders who participated in leadership opportunities through school, the community, and the yearlong WYLD program. We try our hardest to accommodate everyone applying for Step 2 but priority is given to youth who have expanded their resumes and are eager to grow their skillset. 

6. Do WYLD Leaders go swimming with summer camps? 

a: Only placements at recreation centres go swimming. Placements at our outdoor parks engage in water play but DO NOT go swimming. 

7. What do I wear to my placement? 
a: WYLD Leaders are given T shirts and Tank Tops to wear during their placement. Shorts or pants are worn with the T shirt or Tank Top. Clothing that is appropriate to play with children in works best. All WYLD Leaders must wear running shoes and are strongly encouraged to wear a hat during the day

8Can I complete Step One: Learn to Lead and Step Two: Lead to Succeed in one summer? 

a: No, we want you to enjoy your summer and engage with other fun opportunities as well as our WYLD Program. If you complete your set program and are wanting to participate in more weeks of the same step, you can discuss this with a WYLD Coordinator. This program is a 2 years process

9. Can I apply for both WYLD Step One or Two and The Police Leadership Certificate?

a: Yes! You are welcome to apply to both. If you are accepted to both programs and have a date conflict, you can miss one day of your WYLD Summer Camp Placement to attend the Police Leadership Certificate Program

10. I can’t make the training dates listed. Can I still complete my placement?

a: Candidates who receive a placement must attend ALL the MANDATORY training listed in the program descriptions. Due to the high demand of this program, successful applicants who cannot make the training will forfeit their placement.

11. I only want to do this program if my friend does it too. Can we do it together

a: This program is an opportunity for youth to meet new friends and branch out on their own. We do not place friends in the same placement. This is to encourage youth to gain confidence in new settings and honour their individual needs. The entire WYLD cohort will have opportunities to participate in training together. 

12. I’ve never done an interview before. Is it scary

a: It is very normal to feel nervous before an interview. This means you care about how you represent yourself. Rest assured, WYLD interviews are casual and fun. Candidates interview in person on their own with our team of Leadership Coordinators. We ask you a few questions that help us get to know you better. We also tell you a little bit about ourselves and what we do. Then they head outside and bring a game, craft or activity to show a group of 5-10 people. This helps us understand your preparedness to lead groups of people. Everyone feels the exact same way you do. The leadership coordinators are experts in working with youth. We do everything we can to ensure an anxiety free experience. 

13. If I am selected for an interview, how can I prepare?

  • Ensure your resume is up to date. Have a parent, teacher or mentor help you with this.
  • Create a professional email address.
  • Put your phone away, do not leave it on the table.
  • Choose and outfit that you feel comfortable in but is still professional. You will be playing games outside so something that is appropriate and fits that setting.
  • Come prepared to ask us a few questions.
  • Remember that we believe what we tell ourselves. Believe in yourself and remind yourself that it’s ok to be nervous. You can do hard things and that pushing yourself out of your comfort zone results in a growth mindset. 

14. What does a day in the life of a WYLD Leader look like?

  • When you arrive at your placement you are prepared for what the day has ahead. This means you have had a good night’s sleep, and you have enough food and water for the day. You also will arrive prepared with the necessary clothing to play and get messy with the kids.
  • WYLD Leaders will check in with their staff mentor and go over the timeline of the day. After that they will set goal with their mentors. WYLD Leaders participate in all activities throughout the day.
  • As you gain confidence in your placement, you learn to lead on your own. By the end of Step 2: Lead to Succeed WYLD Leaders are independently running an entire program.
  •  Program activities include but are not limited to: Running games, crafts, wide games, forest play, water play, slip and slide, story time, sing a long dance party, bussing and walking out trips to local destinations, and much more. 

15. What is the difference between the WYLD Program Participant and Volunteering? 

a: The WYLD Program is a hands-on mentored placement program. Youth enrolled in this program are participating in a guided leadership curriculum. They have regular check ins with their mentors to set goals and achieve them. They are encouraged from mentors to lead with a growth mindset and are followed along their leadership journey. This work experience program sets youth up for employment within a variety of community settings. 

16. How long does the WYLD program take to complete?

a: From the start of Step One: Learn to Lead to the end of Step Two: Lead to Succeed, this program spans over two full summers.

17. What if I don’t finish my placement? Will I still get my certificate or my honorarium? 

  • To successfully complete the WYLD program, participants are required to be there for the entirety of their placement. If WYLD leaders are sick or miss a day, they must make up the necessary days to complete the curriculum.
  • If the WYLD Coordinator and staff mentors deem a WYLD Leader to be unsuccessful, they will not receive their honorarium and or completion certificate.