Shelbourne Valley Action Plan Update

Strategic Update!

Saanich Council has approved the Terms of Reference to update the 2017 Shelbourne Valley Action Plan (SVAP). The update process is underway with opportunities for community involvement available through online and in-person events.

View the Phase 2 Engagement Summary [PDF - 1 MB]

Follow this project on HelloSaanich for updates!

Project Status

The project is now in Phase 3 (Plan Update). Staff are reviewing the Plan based on the Terms of Reference and feedback from Phase 2.

To stay informed and get involved, visit the project page on HelloSaanich, register for an account, and follow the project.

Engagement Opportunities

Phase 2 engagement activities are now complete. Additional engagement opportunities will be available in late Spring when the draft update Plan is ready for review.

Why update the plan?

The update is necessary to stay consistent with the changing trends in demography, provincial legislation, community aspirations and align land use designations in the Valley with Saanich’s new Official Community Plan.

What is the Shelbourne Valley Action Plan?

The Shelbourne Valley Action Plan (SVAP) will guide land use and transportation decisions in the Shelbourne Valley over the next 30 years.

Plan Highlights

  • Strengthening of Centres and Village as vibrant community hubs that provide a range of goods and services within walking distance of most households;
  • new design for Shelbourne Street that includes separated cycling facilities, transit enhancements, and a safe, more enjoyable pedestrian environment;
  • Enhanced mobility implemented under the Shelbourne Street Improvements Project (SSIP). Visit the SSIP page for updates on implementation progress. Background information on the mobility design options is available here;
  • More housing opportunities along Shelbourne Street to support transit, improve housing choice and enable improvements to the public realm;
  • A network of greenways and bikeways that provide improved walking and cycling opportunities for people of all ages and abilities;
  • A better-designed community that improves the relationship between buildings and pedestrian areas and highlights streets as a space for community enjoyment and activity;
  • A healthier environment through Bowker Creek restoration, environmentally significant areas protection and urban forest enhancement.