Tillicum Burnside Plan

A Terms of Reference for the Tillicum Burnside Plan was endorsed by Council on November 25th, 2024, that defines the scope of work and planning process to undertake a comprehensive land use and transportation study for the Tillicum Burnside area in alignment with the Official Community Plan’s Centre, Corridor and Village growth management framework.

The Tillicum Burnside Plan will guide future changes in the area over the short, medium, and long term (20 years) to build a livable, vibrant, and transit-connected community. The long-term vision for the area will be influenced by the Official Community Plan’s direction of One Planet Living and the 15-Minute Community.

This is an opportune time to address the unique challenges of this neighbourhood and develop a more compact built environment to accommodate future residential and employment growth near the core of Saanich. Over time, it is anticipated that the Plan will influence growth and transformation in the area, shaping the homes we build, the roads we travel, the parks we enjoy, and the neighbourhoods we call home.


The purpose of this work is to develop a comprehensive Centre, Corridor and Village (CCV) Plan for the Tillicum Burnside area (see the study area map, below) and will include a new framework for land use changes and transportation and mobility improvements.

The Plan area includes a large portion of the Tillicum local area, notably those areas closer to established amenities and frequent transit service. The study area boundary for the Tillicum Burnside Plan includes the following four Official Community Plan CCV geographies:

  • Centre: Tillicum Burnside
  • Corridors: Tillicum Road and Burnside Road
  • Village: Gorge Village

Plan Goals

Four goals have been developed, each with corresponding objectives intended to provide clarity at the outset of the project and reflect the focused scope of the work, as follows:

  • Land Use

Implement the Centre, Corridor and Village growth management framework to build complete communities that foster sustainable, walkable, vibrant, and connected places.

  • Transportation and Mobility

Deliver complete streets in the Tillicum Burnside area and improve connections for all modes with an emphasis on car-light living, safety, enjoyment, and efficiency.

  • Housing Diversity, Affordability and Supply

Provide opportunity for new housing within well-serviced areas with a focus on meeting the needs of the community and providing a diversity of housing options.

  • Public Realm and Open Space

Enhance overall livability through providing community amenities, a safe and connected network of open spaces and distinct public realm areas.

Plan Development

To develop the Tillicum Burnside Plan, work will involve analysis of a wide range of topics and considerations, guided by existing and in-progress policy documents, data, research and best practices, and input collected through engagement with the public and stakeholders.

Stay informed for opportunities to get involved in the plan development!

The planning process will take place over a period of 18 months and is expected to be brought before the Council for adoption in Spring 2026. The figure below illustrates the different phases of the project and overall timeline.

Future Engagement

Community engagement and participation is an important part of the Study area planning process. The planning process will seek to be inclusive and reach a broad spectrum of the community. Engagement activities will include a mix of formats / schedules / locations to support equity and accessibility.

Please reach out if you have any suggestions on how to make this process more meaningful and accessible!

The Project team will be actively seeking public input throughout the plan development process and will host events such as plan concept workshops, interactive workshops/meetings, focused meetings, open houses, online information sessions, and other activities, as needed, during different phases of the project.

To receive project updates and notifications for upcoming activities and feedback, please “Follow” the Tillicum Burnside Plan on our Hello Saanich webpage.


Centre, Corridor and Village Planning Growth management strategies and policies in the Official Community Plan (OCP) promote compact and sustainable land use, focusing the vast majority of new development inside the Urban Containment Boundary and within well designed Centres, Villages and Corridors (CCVs). CCV geographies are intended to act as hubs of the community where more services and amenities are found, along with higher density housing and more diverse employment, commercial, and public spaces.

The CCV planning approach intends to take broader direction in the OCP and provide detailed planning guidance at the local level for all CCV areas. The Tillicum Burnside CCV Plan will provide guidance for new development and capital investments.

The Tillicum Local Area Plan was adopted by the Council in 2000, and the Tillicum Burnside Action Plan was endorsed by the Council in 2005. The Action Plan from 2005 includes streetscape plans and urban design concepts to inform a mix of redevelopment along Tillicum Road and Burnside Road. Through the development of the Tillicum Burnside CCV Plan, these concepts will be reassessed, and content will be integrated into the new Plan, where appropriate.