Heat Pump Financing Program


The deadline the next intake is March 24, 2025. Participants in the spring 2025 intake will have their LAS bylaws adopted by Council on May 12, after which time they can install their heat pump and receive financing.

NEW! Participants in the spring 2025 intake will be eligible for Saanich’s forthcoming energy evaluation subsidy to help offset the cost of this program required assessment. This limited time offer will provide up to $550 off the cost of the evaluation for income-qualified participants and up to $350 off for all other participants.  An Energy evaluation will help you identify the right upgrades for your home, estimate the energy and cost savings from potential upgrades, and qualify you for additional incentives such as the CleanBC Home Energy Improvement Bonus Rebate! More details on the subsidy will be shared with approved participants prior to bylaw adoption in May.

Program Information 

The District of Saanich is offering up to $12,000 in 0% interest financing to help you upgrade your existing fossil fuel furnace or boiler to an efficient electric heat pump. The financing is repaid over 10 years through an additional levy on the home’s property tax payments.


Steps to Participate

Here is a visual overview of the process: HPF-Participant-Guide.pdf [PDF - 758 KB]

    1. Understand the Program.
    2. Register for the Home Energy Navigator.

      • The Home Energy Navigator is a free local program that provides custom support from beginning to end in your retrofit journey. While registration is optional, we strongly recommend you sign up!
    3. Apply for the Program.
      • Complete and submit the Registration Form [PDF - 176 KB] which includes a petition that will be used to establish a bylaw to provide financing for your property. 
      • Income Qualified Participants submit income documentation (see details below), and rented households that are qualifying under the income-qualified stream must submit a Tenant Consent Form [PDF - 103 KB]
      • See document library below for more resources on the process, including submitting your registration form and where to find the information for your petition.
    4. Carry out the pre-installation eligibility requirements.
    5. Sign the Financing Agreement
      • You will receive a financing agreement once all documentation has been reviewed. Sign and return the agreement.
      • With the Financing Agreement in place, the program may help pay the contractor deposit.
    6. Carry out the installation.
      • Have your heat pump installed and remove the fossil fueloil heating system and oil tank, if applicable(s). Your contractor must obtain all required permits, including for oil heating system and oil tank(s) removal.
      • Once the work is complete, co-sign the Work Completion Report with your contractor and submit.
    7. Settle the Balance. 
      • The District of Saanich will pay your contractor directly, up to $12,000 (including taxes). You must pay any outstanding balance above $12,000 to the contractor at the time of invoice.
      • Pay back the financed amount over a 10 year period on your property taxes.
    8. Enjoy the efficient heating and cooling of your new climate-friendly heat pump!

Income-Qualified Participants

Half of the program spaces are reserved for income-qualified participants annually.  To be eligible as an income-qualified participant, the combined income of the primary two income earning adults (over the age of 18) in the family must be below the following thresholds:

Number of people in household
(includes children)

Household income (before tax)
1 Up to $99,891
2 Up to $124,358
3 Up to $152,884
4 Up to $185,620
5 Up to $210,528
6 Up to $237,438
7 or more Up to $264,353

If the home is tenanted, either the homeowner or the tenant can qualify under the income-qualified stream. Tenants must submit a Tenant Consent Form to confirm the use of their personal information for this purpose. 

If you are an income-qualified household, we recommend you first pre-register for the CleanBC Energy Savings Program (replaced the Income Qualified (IQ) Program) at betterhomesbc.ca/rebates/energy-savings-program/. The Energy Savings Program will pay your contractor directly for the eligible rebate, and the balance is eligible for financing from Saanich.

Participants can submit proof of income from the past 18 months in any one of the following ways:

  • CleanBC Energy Savings Program Participant Opportunities Report; or
  • Notice of Assessment for two main income earners in the family (Canada Revenue Agency).


  • The next intake deadline is March 24, 2025. 50% of spaces will be reserved for income-qualified participants until March 10, 2025.
  • Participants that submit a registration form with valid petition by the next published deadline, and that are confirmed as accepted into the program will have local area service (LAS) bylaws enacted for their property at following Council meetings.
  • Heat pump installations or related work must not take place prior to the LAS bylaws and Financing Agreement being in place.
  • The Work Completion Report must be received within 10 months of the Local Area Service Bylaw being adopted for your property. 

Form and Document Submission

You may submit this registration form, and other documents and forms throughout the program in the following ways:

1. By Secure Online Portal (TitanFile Secure Submit)

2. By Mail:

Saanich Oil to Heat Pump Financing Program
C/O City Green Solutions
214-620 View Street
Victoria, BC V8W 1J6

3. In person:

City Green Solutions
214-620 View Street
Hours: 9am-5pm, M-F

Saanich Municipal Hall
3rd Floor Planning Desk
770 Vernon Ave
Hours: 8:30am-4:30pm, M-F

If you have any questions about the program or need support, please see our FAQs [PDF - 899 KB] or contact the program administrator at info@SaanichHeatPumpFinancing.ca or by phone at (778) 405-1123, (toll free: 1 (866) 381-9995 and ask about the Saanich Oil to Heat Pump Financing Program).

Heat Pump Financing Eligibility Requirements

  • The homes must be an eligible home type (single family, duplex, or qualified townhouse or mobile home) located within the District of Saanich.
  • The home must be primarily heated with oil, natura gas and/or propane. 
  • Your property must be in good standing with regards to property taxes and municipal utility bills
  • You must apply to the program and have your financing agreement signed before starting any work.
  • Please view the Terms and Conditions [PDF - 126 KB] for full eligibility requirements and review our Frequently Asked Questions. [PDF - 899 KB]

Eligible Upgrades and Requirements 

  • Ducted Central, Ductless Mini-Split, Air-to-Water, or Combined Space and Hot Water Heat Pumps are eligible for this program, with system requirements equivalent to the Provincial CleanBC Better Homes Program. Please review the CleanBC terms and conditions for requirements of specific system types. Key terms of the program include:
  • For oil heated homes, all heating equipment and oil tank must be removed and you must obtain the required permits from the Saanich Fire Department.
    • Replacement of broken oil equipment is not eligible.
  • Electrical service upgrades required for the installation of the heat pump are eligible.
  • Additional heat pump air filtration systems, ducting modification and/or duct cleaning are eligible. 


Watch the recorded online webinar to learn more about the Saanich Oil to Heat Pump Financing Program, or check out the presentation[Note: Eligibility criteria has been expanded since this webinar was hosted and now includes tenanted households and natural gas and propane-heated homes].


The Home Energy Navigator is a free local program that provides customized, expert support throughout your retrofit journey. We recommend registering for the Navigator to help you determine the right upgrades for your home, compare and select quotes, access rebates from all levels of government, and more. Register online today or by calling 1-866-381-9995 to connect with a free Energy Concierge.

Program Background and Rationale

Saanich is committed to eliminating carbon-intensive fossil fuel heating in our community in order to achieve our climate targets. Heat pumps provide efficient heating and cooling with renewable energy and should save you money on your heating bills compared to oil or natural gas. Check out BC Hydro’s resources on what a heat pump is and how it works.

This type of innovative financing, sometimes called Property Assessed Clean Energy or PACE financing, is the first of its kind in BC, but has been used by many jurisdictions across Canada and the US to encourage energy retrofits in existing buildings.

Form and Document Library

Program Contact Information

For more information, contact City Green Solutions, the program's administrator at:

Thank you to the Federation of Canadian Municipalities and the Real Estate Foundation of BC for their generous financial contributions that have made this program possible.