Cedar Hill Recreation Centre
Facility hours January 2-June 27, 2025
Monday - Friday: 6:30am to 10pm
Saturday & Sunday: 8am to 9pm
Statutory holiday hours will be reflected on facility status page.
We're improving your recreation centre!
Exciting upgrades are coming to Cedar Hill as part of the Green and Accessible Improvement Project! We anticipate the ability to remain open during our renovations.
Please note the following service modifications beginning March 3, 2025:
- Main entrance closure and relocation – the main entrance doors will be temporarily relocated to the patio doors adjacent to the main entrance.
- Accessible entrance and handyDART pick-up/drop-off – an accessible entrance is available via the northeast facility doors (arts wing). A temporary drop-off area is being created adjacent to the northeast entrance location.
Learn more about the project here, including impacts to specific activity spaces and programs. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we work to improve your recreation centre.
Second Chance Café
In partnership with The Cridge Centre for the Family, survivors of brain injury are now serving homemade baked goods, sandwiches, coffee and tea from Cedar Hill Recreation Centre's popular community space.
The Second Chance Cafe is open Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 3pm.
- Arts Centre with Ceramics Studio, Dance Studio, two Visual Arts Studios and Gallery
- Room Rentals
- Four indoor tennis courts
- Four squash courts
- Meeting and activity rooms
- Gymnasium
- Cedar Hill Social Club
- Youth Social Drop In
- Weight room
- Free parking
- Air conditioning
- Rehabilitation services and personal fitness training
How was your last visit? Tell us here: Client Feedback Form
How to Find Us
- Accessible washrooms
- Accessible weight room with adapted equipment
- Covered entrance
- Wheelchair access to gymnasium, tennis courts and squash courts
- Designated handyDART loading zone and disabled parking stalls
- Accessible picnic tables
- Adjustable height art tables and pottery wheels
- Ramp access to dance studio