Sign up in advance and join in! These are our most popular activities and classes. Our reserved drop-in system offers everyone the chance to secure a spot by signing up seven calendar days in advance of the program date, beginning at 7:30am.
Cedar Hill Recreation Centre
- Live on-line schedule
- January 2 - June 28 Reserved Drop-in Fitness Schedule
Gordon Head Recreation Centre
- Live on-line schedule
- January 6 - June 15 Reserved Drop-in Fitness Schedule
G.R. Pearkes Recreation Centre
- Live on-line schedule
- January 6 - June 29 Reserved Drop-in Fitness Schedule
- The weight room/fitness studio will be closed for annual maintenance from July 26 to August 4, 2025
- Live on-line schedule
- January 6 - June 27 Reserved Drop-in Fitness Schedule
Drop-in Cycle Schedule (Gordon Head, G.R. Pearkes and Saanich Commonwealth Place)
- Live on-line schedule
- January 6 - June 29 Reserved Drop-in Cycle Schedule
Steps to Reserve:
- Click the link above
- Ensure the schedule displayed is for Fitness Drop-in: Aerobics/Group Fitness
- Select a Saanich Recreation Centre in the filters
- Scroll to desired date
- Click on session of choice and add to cart
- For assistance please contact any Saanich Recreation Facility
Using the Saanich Recreation app to sign up for reserved drop-in programs
NEW: You can now withdraw from a reserved drop-in program via the Saanich Recreation mobile app.
Withdraw from a reserved drop-in program via the Saanich Recreation app or RecOnline before 11:59pm the night prior to the program.
Note: Day-of withdrawals must be completed by contacting the reception desk thirty minutes prior to program start time. Credits or refunds will not be issued for missed reserved drop-ins.
View step-by-step reserved drop-in program instructions
Sign up for program sessions via Saanich RecOnline
Sign up for program sessions via the Saanich Recreation app
Withdraw from program sessions via Saanich RecOnline
- Withdraw from program sessions via the Saanich Recreation app