Building Moves

To move a building within Saanich, out of Saanich or into Saanich, you will require a permit from the Inspections Division.

The links below are designed to assist you with your permit application. Each link includes the necessary information you need to submit in order to help speed up processing your permit. The more complete your application is, the faster you will get your permit.

Moving a building within Saanich or into Saanich

Application: Single Family Dwelling & Duplex

A complete application includes:

  1. Five complete sets of plans.
  2. Completed application form. 
  3. Current certificate of title dated within 30 days plus copies of any encumbrances registered against the parcel (Covenants, Rights-of-Way).
  4. Owner signature or if you’re not the owner, an Agent's Authorization from the owner.
  5. Application fee.
  6. The Manager of Revenue Services reviews plans to determine the assessed value is 1.25 times the average assessed value of all dwellings within 200' from boundaries of the building area prior to approval.

Moving a building out of Saanich

Application: Residential Demolitions - Single Family Dwelling, Duplex or Accessory Building

A complete application includes:

  1. Three complete site plans.
  2. Completed application form. 
  3. Owner signature or if you’re not the owner, an Agent's Authorization from the owner.
  4. Application fee.

For more information to help you prepare a correct permit application submission, see below, or request hard copies from Inspection Services at the Municipal Hall.

Additional Permits Required

An oversized vehicle permit is required from the Engineering Department.  Please contact them for further information regarding this permit (250) 475-5575.

For questions about trees and development, applying for tree permits and the Tree Protection Bylaw contact Saanich Parks.